What Is Causing My Bad Breath?

Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about halitosis solutions

Having bad smelling breath can be embarrassing and may make you feel anxious in social situations. This problems may be caused by several reasons, from poor oral hygiene habits, certain foods you eat, periodontal disease, and more. While it’s fairly normal to experience halitosis from time to time, if this is a daily occurrence, it’s time to seek professional advice. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentist is here to discuss what could be causing this issue.


Is Your Oral Hygiene Routine Efficient?

Cleveland, TX, family dentist offers cleanings

By now, you likely already know that oral health starts at home. This part of your hygiene routine can keep away bad breathing, prevent cavities, and reduce your chances of developing gum disease. We are here today to take a closer look at this routine to ensure that you are properly taking care of your pearly whites. In addition to the preventive measures you take at home, do not forget to come in for a checkup at your Cleveland, TX, family dentistry.


Keeping Your Smile Healthy

Cleveland Cleanings

Having a healthy and beautiful smile is something we all desire. Regular dental cleanings are crucial for keeping our teeth and gums healthy, preventing dental problems, and overall well-being. In our dental office, we understand the different needs of our patients. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses how we provide individualized care depending on your oral health situation.


Your Gums Appreciate Thorough Cleanings!

Cleveland Ultrasonic Cleaning

Are you a superstar with your dental hygiene? That’s great! However, maintaining healthy gums still requires professional cleanings to remove tartar and bacteria that build on the teeth despite great brushing and flossing. These cleanings not only help remove buildup but also prevent and treat gum disease. In recent years, the development of ultrasonic scalers has revolutionized dental cleanings, making them gentler and more thorough than ever before. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses the benefits of regular dental cleanings with ultrasonic scalers and how they can contribute to improving your gum health.


Prevent Gum Disease with Dental Cleanings

Cleveland Gum DiseasePeriodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums, bones, and other supporting structures around the teeth. It typically begins with inflammation and irritation of the gums (gingivitis) and, if left untreated, can progress to more severe stages. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses this disease and how deep cleanings help restore oral health.


What Exactly is Covered in Your Checkup?

Smiling young woman receiving dental checkupFrom a young age you are told the importance of keeping up with your oral health with regular preventive care at home, including brushing and flossing. While this is true, you need routine maintenance as well to ensure the true health of your smile. To the average person working to balance an already hectic schedule, it may seem unnecessary to go to the dentist every six months – especially during the Coronavirus pandemic. It is actually much more necessary than you might expect, however, as your checkup and cleaning serve a vital purpose in detecting and monitoring dental concerns early on. In fact, your Cleveland, TX dentist at Cleveland Family Dentistry encourages attending an exam twice a year, and wants to inform you about what is covered during your visit.


Important Notes About Better Dental Hygiene

Good dental hygiene seems like common sense in many ways. Even people who aren’t particularly careful with keeping their smiles healthy agree that it’s important to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. However, there’s more to keeping your smile healthy than just spending a few minutes at the bathroom sink every day. Today, we examine a few important notes about better dental hygiene, and how it affects more of your daily routine than you might expect at first. (more…)

Make Your At-Home Dental Hygiene Better

Over the years, the practice of brushing and flossing your teeth each day can grow to seem mundane. You still recognize the importance of doing it, but you might have grown less diligent in how well you brush and floss your teeth each time. Today, we examine a few ways you can improve your at-home dental hygiene, and in doing so, reduce your risks of developing common, but highly preventable, oral health concerns (like tooth decay and gum disease). (more…)

Are Your Hygiene Skills Up-to-Date?

While most people memorized the principles of good dental and personal hygiene long ago, not everyone fully understands the importance of sticking to those principles. It can be easy to grow lax in your hygiene routines, both dental and personal, as you go through the same routines multiple times every day. To help make sure your hygiene skills and practices are up-to-date, we review some of the most important aspects of them, and how you can improve them if you haven’t been as diligent as you should be. (more…)

Brush Your Teeth Better With These Tips

As a child, one of the first things you are taught to do on your own is how to brush your teeth, because we as a society know that dental hygiene is highly important to your overall health. That being said, there are always ways to step up your hygiene game. So, in today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will share some tips for brushing your teeth better to increase the health of your smile.

