Look Your Best With A Whiter Smile

Look Your Best Whiter SmileHave you started to hide your smile when you pose for photos? Or is your hand perpetually over your teeth when you chew or speak? If so, then it is time to talk to your dentist about making a change to look your best. Enamel staining can really hold you back, and even with the advent of some pretty powerful over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions, you want to speak with your dentist before you try anything on your own.

With our team of cosmetic dental professionals at Cleveland Family Dentistry, you have the opportunity to send your stains back. Our office gives our patients a choice in their care, between a simple and convenient at-home teeth whitening process and a quick and easy visit to the dentist for in-office care. When you find yourself hiding your smile away from the world, talk to a trusted dental provider about ways to improve your appearance with safe and effective cosmetic teeth whitening. To schedule a time to talk about your teeth, call us today!


How Do I Know If Invisalign Is Right For Me?

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers invisalign

Overcrowded on uneven teeth can make your smile appear unsymmetrical and may cause you to feel self-conscious in your appearance. But with the many options available to correct these problems, it can be overwhelming to decide what method to use for smile correction. Traditional braces can help address a variety of misalignment concerns, and Invisalign can help discreetly straighten your teeth. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist discusses how this virtually invisible orthodontic option works.


Three Things To Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers porcelain veneers

Recently, we have discussed ways to improve your smile with the help of methods like professional whitening treatments or cosmetic bonding. Your team at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX offers several cosmetic options that can remove or conceal discoloration and help your pearly whites appear more symmetrical. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about porcelain veneers, which is a long lasting cosmetic enhancement.


Weighing Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers cosmetic treatment options

Preventive dental care can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, even with biannual checkups and a proper at home oral hygiene routine, your smile may not always look its best. Internal and external factors can contribute to blemishes and imperfections appearing on your pearly whites. The team at Cleveland Family Dentistry in TX offers cosmetic improvements that can boost your confidence. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the treatment options we offer so you can discover the right one for your needs.


Brighten Your Smile With An Expert

brighten your smile cleveland txWhen you decide that you have had enough of your enamel stains, where do you turn? With so many available supermarket teeth whitening products on the shelves out there, you might be tempted to try and see if these can help. But before you go making changes with your dentistry, take the time to talk to your dentist and receive a full cleaning and examination. You want to have all of the information that you need to make the right decisions when it is time to brighten your smile.

Looking to lift the shade of your enamel and achieve a beautiful set of teeth? At Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, we are here for you, helping you to stay healthy while improving the appearance of your smile with professional teeth whitening that takes your health needs into account. Our office offers our patients a range of treatment options, from a speedy in-office visit to a convenient at-home teeth whitening kit that you can use alongside your nightly oral health hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing. To find out more about your cosmetic dental possibilities, give us a call today and schedule your next appointment!


The Benefits Of Cosmetic Bonding

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers cosmetic bonding

When it comes to cosmetic smile improvements, there is no one-size-fits-all option. For some patients, whitening may be the most helpful way to correct imperfections. Other patients may need an option that conceals blemishes. Cleveland Family Dentistry in Texas offers bonding and contouring services that can help address your concerns without drastic alterations. This method can help fix a variety of concerns and can be completed in a single appointment.


Start Your Smile Makeover With Veneers


Cleveland, TX, dentist offers porcelain veneers

Options like Invisalign or a professional whitening service can help improve the appearance of your pearly whites. However, if you have multiple concerns throughout your smile, you may want a solution that can correct them at the same time. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentist offers lifelike porcelain veneers that can improve your look. Today, we’ll talk about the benefits that this cosmetic enhancement offers.


Porcelain Veneers: A Long-Lasting Smile Transformation

Cleveland, TX , dentist offers veneers for patients

What are the main concerns you have with the appearance of your smile? Is it stains, stubborn spots, or misshapen teeth? Treatments such as whitening, bonding, or clear aligners can be used to target some of these concerns. If you have several areas of imperfection you would like to correct, porcelain veneers can help enhance your look. Your Cleveland Family Dentistry is here to discuss the many advantages of this esthetic improvement.
