Bring Signs Of TMJ Dysfunction To Your Dentist’s Attention

Spending your days suffering from different aches and pains in your face, neck, and head can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Your mood, your focus, and your general sense of well-being can all be sapped by chronic discomfort. So what should you do about this problem? One thing you should know is that these can all be symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, which is a problem rooted in your jaw joints. Your Cleveland, TX dentist can identify symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, recognize the issue, and offer you relief through treatment. If your problems also include a teeth grinding habit, delaying care could lead to real dental damage, in addition to chronic pain. (more…)

TMJ Disorder: Symptoms & Causes

You know that if you’re dealing with TMJ disorder, you should see us for TMJ treatment, which we are happy to provide and which we encourage. However, you may not have the easiest time identifying problems with your TMJs on your own. You may also wonder, if you’re diagnosed with this functional issue, where it comes from and why it’s happening to you. Take a moment with us as we offer clarification regarding these characteristics of TMD!


3 Details: A Better Understanding Of Bruxism

You may have a very general understanding of bruxism disorder. If so, it goes a little something like this: You know that bruxism means you grind and/or clench your teeth. Now, this is, of course, the very foundation of what it means if you brux. However, there’s a lot more to learn if you want to have a better understanding of bruxism. Fortunately, with three important details, you will find that your knowledge suddenly grows quite significantly!


Oral Appliance Therapy: 3 Times We Might Recommend It

So, a friend of yours came to see us and mentioned that she needs oral appliance therapy. What’s that for? you may wonder to yourself, and might I need it someday? It’s entirely possible that you may be able to take advantage of this preventive treatment if you’re dealing with a functional disorder. Consider the reasons we suggest this noninvasive and very comfortable therapy option, so you have a better understanding of whether it may be something you’ll need in the future (or as soon as possible!).


The Problem With Bruxism

problem with bruxismBruxism is a disorder also known as teeth grinding. Bruxism is sub-conscious and often happens while you are asleep. Because it happens without you thinking about it, it can go on for a long time without you noticing. Grinding your teeth every night can cause tiny cracks and chips in your teeth that may not be noticeable until they become problematic. Bruxism can increase your risk for decay, damage, and increased sensitivity to your teeth. It can also increase your risk of developing TMJ disorder. If you think you are grinding your teeth, it is important to seek treatment before it leads to complications.  (more…)

Bruxism Quiz: Is It True … Or False?

Have you recently learned the basics about bruxism disorder, which causes you to wonder if perhaps it is affecting your oral health? Or, do you assume this issue has nothing to do with you because you don’t remember ever clenching or grinding your teeth? (Hint: You won’t always know that you’re doing it). To help you get straight to the factual information you need to keep your smile safe, give yourself a leg up with the assistance of a quiz. (Then, of course, if you think you require care, give us a call to schedule your checkup).


The ABCs Of Your TMJs

When you have no idea what a TMJ is, being diagnosed with TMJ disorder (TMD) can leave you feeling concerned and a bit in the dark. No worries! Whether you’ve already received a diagnosis or if you think this may apply to you because of consistent jaw discomfort, we can help demystify this functional disorder that may present itself in a variety of ways (and for which you may receive noninvasive, comfortable, effective care). Let’s get started with some helpful ABCs that will offer the essentials you need.


What’s Bruxism All About?

If you have heard about bruxism disorder in even the slightest way and you’re dealing with symptoms you think may be associated, it is time to come in for a dental visit. When functional problems occur in your smile, the sooner you allow us to treat them, the easier it is to stop any type of damage from occurring before it begins. As for what to make of this disorder, we are happy to fill you in on the basics before we see you.
