Smile Sounds: How To React If You Recently Heard…

You know that your smile sometimes feels different than it usually does. It may look different from time to time, as well. However, if you suddenly notice that it sounds different, this may come as quite a shock! What to think about changes in terms of noises that are emanating from your mouth, you wonder? Well, as you might imagine, our Cleveland, TX team always encourages you to pick up the phone to call us, so we can provide you with an accurate answer (and any necessary solution) during a visit. For now, let’s help you solve the mystery of some common, easy-to-hear oral health related symptoms!


Smile Care: Things We May Find Before You Can

Did you know that one of the reasons you come in for your dental checkups, two times every single year, is because there are some things that we are often able to find before you will notice them? This is extremely important because detecting these oral health issues right when they start to form is the best way to handle them. It means treating them long before they worsen, damage your tissue, spread, etc. Instead, our Cleveland, TX team can quickly derail the issue, stop it, turn things around, get you back to excellent oral health, and you’ll be back on track! Let’s explore some examples.


The Lowdown On Chewy Foods: Beware!

Yes, there is something to be said for the fun that occurs when you indulge in chewy foods. They take longer to eat, they are often delicious and sweet, and they just might be something you love to consume! However, though they’re not all culprits in causing oral health problems, most items that are super-chewy may pose a high risk for your otherwise perfectly safe and healthy smile. Let our Cleveland, TX team talk over some important points with you in terms of the chewy factor and what to watch out for, so you don’t end up damaging that lovely smile!


Common Dental Care Confusion: Same Or Different?

When you’re talking about your dental care, your oral health, and your needs in general, you might find that it’s easy to become confused in certain situations. If you guessed that you’re the only one, for instance, that cannot seem to distinguish between dental bonding and dental contouring, guess again! For some reason, certain smile problems or treatments that tend to “go together” can be difficult to tell apart (possibly because they tend to have some similarities). That is, until you have the help of our Cleveland, TX team assisting you in recognizing what’s what in the world of smile protection!


What Having Bruxism Really Means

When you grind your teeth every once in a while, there isn’t really much reason to worry about it. When healthy, your teeth can withstand an enormous amount of pressure without any harm being done to their enamel (protective outer layer). However, grinding your teeth constantly and consistently, especially when you don’t even realize it, can overwhelm even the healthiest and strongest of your teeth. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can help you spot the signs of bruxism during your routine exam and cleaning appointment, and explain what the condition can mean for your smile. Then, we’ll work with you to devise the best treatment plan to help you stop grinding your teeth. (more…)

TMJ Disorder: Why It Might Be Happening

When you come to our Cleveland, TX practice to learn why you’re dealing with TMJ disorder and what to do about it, one thing you will learn is that we cannot always uncover the exact reason behind the issue. Then again, there are some very obvious factors that often come into play, which will become exceptionally obvious once we begin asking you questions. So, to start with a bit of detective work into why your TMJs aren’t feeling too wonderful these days (followed by how to handle the issue), we’re here to help!


What’s that Grinding Sound? Signs Your Loved One Has Bruxism

For many patients who have bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding), the problem often becomes most noticeable at night. However, because they’re asleep, their loved ones are often the first ones to notice it due to the sound that grinding teeth make. The loud sound indicates the force with which teeth grind together, and the potential damage that it can cause if left untreated. Fortunately, we can help many patients at our Cleveland, TX, dental office address the problem and stop grinding their teeth with the help of a custom-designed bruxism appliance. (more…)

Bruxism: Are There Some Changes You Need To Make?

Are there some changes you need to make because, although you know you have bruxism disorder, you haven’t exactly followed through with doing anything about it yet? We understand! You may think to yourself, “But I never feel myself grinding or clenching my teeth!” As a result, it seems like you can just ignore the issue for a while. Over time, however you will discover that there really is a problem and you will want to do what you can to take care of it. Fortunately, our Cleveland, TX team is always on hand to help you with treatment, as well as additional lifestyle suggestions that will most certainly guide you toward the relief that your oral health needs.


Smile Balance: Questions You May Not Have Asked Yet

Do you know whether you have excellent smile balance? If you’re shrugging your shoulders and looking around, then you may not have ever even heard of this before! Rest assured, when you visit our Cleveland, TX practice for a dental checkup, this is most certainly an oral health concern we will point out if it is affecting you. Not sure what to make of this but now that we bring it up, your smile doesn’t close quite as seamlessly as you’d like? Learn more with a Q&A session.


Helping Your TMJ Disorder: Things That Aren’t A Good Idea

There are some things that can really help your TMJs if you’re suffering from TMJ disorder. As you may have guessed, of course, there are also some things that can really cause additional problems for your TMJs if you’re not careful. Unfortunately, you may not necessarily find that you know up from down or left from right when we’re talking about the “good” versus the “bad” in this case. You may want, as a result, to think about some of the things that our Cleveland, TX team considers “not such as great idea” as you navigate this new territory for protecting your oral health.
