The Biggest Problems with Having Bruxism

On the surface, the biggest problems with bruxism is the chronic teeth-grinding that it consists of. Over time, the constant pressure and friction can lead to a wide range of immediate and long-term concerns with your health and integrity of your teeth. However, the longer it continues, the more complex the problems of bruxism can become, and in severe cases, recovering from it could require more extensive treatment than you expect. (more…)

How Are Bruxism and TMJ Disorder Connected?

Bruxism and TMJ disorder are not the same condition, and having one doesn’t mean that you have the other, as well. However, both conditions are often closely related to each other, particularly for the ways in which they affect your overall bite function. Bruxism describes the constant grinding of your teeth, in a manner and for a reason that you can’t alleviate on your own. TMJ disorder is a jaw dysfunction that impacts your jaw’s joints and muscles, often caused by excessive pressure being placed on your TMJs and jaw muscles. (more…)

What to Know if You Have a TMJ Disorder

If you have TMJ disorder but don’t know it, then the symptoms that the disorder can cause can seem confusing. As a jaw dysfunction, it can lead to symptoms that impact your jaw’s function, but it can also lead to less direct consequences such as chronic headaches, earaches, and more. Today, we take a look at a few things you should know if you have TMJ disorder, including a few things that could be a hint you have it, as well as how we may be able to help you treat it comfortably. (more…)

Things You Can Thank Your Teeth-Grinding Habit For

Grinding your teeth every day isn’t something that everyone experiences, and when it occurs, it’s often a sign of a much more serious underlying oral health concern. Also known as bruxism, habitual teeth-grinding can be caused by one or several other factors, and when it isn’t addressed promptly, it can also cause several subsequent conditions with your teeth and oral health. Today, we take a look at a few of the things you may be able to attribute to your teeth-grinding habit, and why it’s important to treat it as soon as possible to avoid them. (more…)

When Grinding Your Teeth Should Concern You

The thing about grinding your teeth is that it may or may not be a significant concern to your oral health, depending on several factors. For instance, if it doesn’t really occur often, and it doesn’t affect your healthy tooth structure over the years, then your occasional habit of grinding your teeth may be nothing to worry about. However, if you do it often enough, and you fail to stop yourself from grinding your teeth with at-home remedies, then it may be the result of bruxism, and could be the source of several other serious dental health concerns. (more…)

Tips to Stop Teeth-Grinding Before You Seek Treatment

When most people think of teeth-grinding, at least in the context of it being harmful, the most common concern that comes to mind is bruxism. A chronic condition that causes you to grind your teeth consistently, bruxism can often lead to a wide range of oral health concerns. This is why many people who know what bruxism is may worry if they notice themselves grinding their teeth on occasion. Fortunately, not every case of grinding teeth is a reliable indication of bruxism. For many people, the following tips can help put a stop to their teeth-grinding habits and better protect their oral health, without the need for professional bruxism treatment. (more…)

Finding the Cause of Your Teeth-Grinding Habit

A lot of things might surprise you about teeth-grinding. For instance, for some people, it isn’t something they can always control, or that they’re even always aware of. Such constant teeth-grinding, known as bruxism, can also be the cause of one or more different underlying issues that you may or may not be aware of. The only way to be sure of anything about your teeth-grinding habit is to find out the cause of it, which requires a professional examination and diagnosis from your dentist. (more…)

Why You Shouldn’t Underestimate Teeth-Grinding

Constant teeth-grinding, or bruxism, isn’t something that everyone has to deal with. For many people, it only occurs as a nervous tic or as a reaction to heightened stress. For others, however, it might be the telltale sign of bruxism – a condition that causes you to unconsciously grind your teeth together. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can help you determine if you should take your teeth-grinding more seriously, and whether you need treatment to protect your smile from further complications. (more…)

Things You Might Not Know About Your Bruxism Habit

Not everyone who has bruxism (chronic teeth-grinding) knows that they have it. That’s because the consistent grinding that marks the condition occurs subconsciously throughout the day, and often, throughout the night. However, the symptoms of bruxism can become obvious before long if it’s left untreated. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can help you determine if you have bruxism, and provide customized treatment to help you stop grinding your teeth, if necessary. (more…)

Why Bruxism Disorder Doesn’t Have To Be Upsetting

No, nobody wants to find out that there’s something not going correctly in terms of oral health. However, our Cleveland, TX team wants you to remember that when you discover you require dental treatment for an issue, this isn’t a reason to become upset! Instead, it’s a relief to know you have dental care on your side, to make things better. Let’s use bruxism disorder as today’s example. Sure, you may be a bit distressed to discover your smile isn’t in perfect condition but that, instead, you are experiencing a functional disorder! The upside? Let’s discuss the details!
