A Better Wake Up With Bruxism Treatment

bruxismYour sleep makes a big difference in your ability to make it through the day. So, when things are not quite right, it can lead to some real problems in your life. This means that when you are finding yourself waking up with a sore jaw or persistent morning headaches, you need to talk to your dentist about making a change. If it is bruxism that is causing your problems, then take the time to talk to your provider about ways to address your problem teeth grinding.

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, we understand the value of having a deep and full night of sleep. That’s why we offer our patients comfortable oral appliance therapy for their bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth throughout the night, then stop suffering in silence and ask your dentist about whether oral appliance therapy is right for you. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, call us today!


Should You Be Worried About Your Teeth Grinding Problem?

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers treatment for bruxism

Bruxism, also know as chronic teeth grinding, can go on for quite a while before a patient realizes it. This can cause you to have frequent headaches, sensitive teeth, and other oral health problems. While you may want to put off seeking a diagnosis for this seemingly small concern, it’s important that it is addressed as soon as possible so that it does not worsen over time and affect your smile. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, family dentistry explains why you should seek treatment for teeth grinding and TMJ concerns.


What Is The Root Cause Of TMJ Disorder?

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers treatment for bruxism or TMJ

Our temporomandibular joints help us move our mouths, chew, speak, and many other functions. Problems like injuries, teeth grinding, and malocclusion can make these movements difficult, cause discomfort, and may create potential issues for your oral health. Today, your Cleveland, TX, family dentist will explain what may cause TMJ disorder and symptoms to look out for.


Don’t Put Off Treatment For Bruxism Or TMJ

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers care for tmj or bruxism

Your dentist can help with more than just cavities or aching teeth. Your Cleveland, TX, dental team can help diagnose and treat other problems such as bruxism or TMJ. These common conditions can harm your pearly whites, and cause frequent headaches, or tooth sensitivity which can be frustrating. In today’s blog, we will discuss what may cause these issues and how you can get help without surgery.


Chronic Headaches Could Be Due To TMJ

Cleveland, TX ,dentist offers tmj treatment

Do you wake up with headaches often? Do you ever hear a popping noise when you adjust your jaw? If so, you may have temporomandibular joint disorder (also known as TMJ or TMD). While this condition may not be immediately life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and annoying. Your Cleveland, TX, dental team has a non-surgical way to help alleviate your symptoms. This can improve your physical, mental, and dental health.


Fix TMJ And Bruxism Problems Without Surgery

Solve TMJ & Bruxism with Cleveland Dentistry

When it comes to your dental health, there is more to it than preventing cavities and gum disease. Some problems cannot be prevented with regular cleanings and checkups. Chronic tooth grinding can happen subconsciously without you realizing there is a problem, and TMJ dysfunction can be caused by genetics, bite, and other factors. Without treatment, these disorders can damage your smile over time. At Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, we can help you fix the problem with a simple, nonsurgical solution.


TMJ Can Harm Your Oral Health- We Can Help!

Cleveland Family Dentistry Can Help With Your TMJ

Do you ever find yourself having pain in your jaw? How about clicking sounds when you open or close your mouth? If so, you may want to talk to your dentist about TMJ. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction is a jaw-related problem that can cause pain and limit movement when chewing or eating. This can be a very uncomfortable sensation and can cause greater problems down the line. If you want help treating this problem, see us at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, Texas.
