Have A Merry Christmas And A …

We usually finish the line with “and a happy New Year!” Of course, we hope you have the happiest of holidays and a 2018 filled with everything your heart desires. However, since we are your dental team, we have some additional ideas at the moment! Rather than finishing that line with a happy New Year, we think some very fitting adjectives regarding your smile are in order. Find out more, so you can include your smile care, too. Let’s try this again: Have a Merry Christmas and a …


3 Ways To Break A Tooth This Holiday

It’s possible, of course, to break a tooth any time of the year. It’s not a happy detail to reflect on but, nonetheless, it is the truth! While we don’t want you to think you’re safer when we aren’t celebrating the winter holidays, we would like to point out those particular aspects of the holiday season that can make a broken tooth more likely. As a result, you may be more careful with your choices to keep them from happening to you!


Children’s Smiles: Some Fantastic Resolutions

Do you have resolutions all mapped out for yourself for 2018? Have you come up with anything as it applies to your children? If you’re including things that you’d like to do that will make caring for your little ones easier, we most certainly have some suggestions to add to the list in regard to children’s dental care. They can make your New Year much easier, indeed!


Oral Health: Hand Tips For Winter!

Wait a second, you may be thinking to yourself. Why on earth are we talking about your hands when we are helping you protect your oral health? Well, because you might overlook the fact that your hands are highly involved in protecting your teeth and gums. As a result, when winter hits, you may find yourself feeling frustrated and uncomfortable (two things we can help you avoid with some easy tips!).


Partial Dentures: Your Questions Answered

Do you have some questions about partial dentures? Do you wish that you could improve your experience a little bit (or are you simply worried that something is wrong with your partial but you don’t really know what to do)? Not to worry. Our Q&A session will help and, of course, scheduling time for us to see you and your prosthetic is always a very wonderful decision.


Flossing: 3 Things You’re Getting Very Wrong

There are some things may be getting wrong about flossing. While you may be perfectly on track, if you have any misgivings or you often feel confused about what should be going on with this part of dental hygiene, then we think you might want to think through the role floss plays in your life. Remember, if you need some one-on-one help in this department, we are always absolutely thrilled to see you and to offer up demonstrations, explanations, and more!


Electric Toothbrushes: 4 Reasons To Try One

What’s that? You have never tried an electric toothbrush before? Well, if that’s the case, now is certainly as good a time as any to get going with testing out the waters. Not sure you feel you have a good reason to try one? Feel like you might require some motivation? That part is easy! We can quickly share four reasons it’s most certainly a good decision to change up this part of your dental hygiene practice if you feel interested.


Why Dry Mouth Needs A Solution

If you’re suffering from a pasty feeling mouth then you may need a solution for dry mouth. Not entirely sure? Come on in and talk with us about this symptom. More often than not, a sticky mouth is one that requires more moisture. It could be that you aren’t drinking sufficient H2O throughout the day. It might be a result of certain medications that you’re taking regularly. It could be a lot of things! As for what you should do about it, you should most certainly seek a solution.
