Why You Might Suddenly Need A Crown!

There are times when you can expect a dental crown. For instance, if you’ve talked with us about the best way to approach serious esthetic damage and we have determined that instead of veneers, a crown is going to better suit your needs. Or, you plan on coming in for a root canal treatment and you are aware that finishing that procedure will likely include a crown placement to protect your tooth. However, what about times when you might suddenly need one? Let’s cover some possibilities, so you have an even better grasp of this restorative solution for repairing damage.


Simple Extractions: What Are The Main Details?

To begin, you will be pleased to learn that simple extractions are comfortable. While you may be able to sense some amount of pressure, you will have absolutely no discomfort to worry about. Now, as for what the process is like and why you may suddenly find yourself requiring the removal of a tooth, let’s talk details! Remember that the goal is always to keep your smile nice and healthy. Sometimes, removing a tooth is the best answer.


Sleep Apnea Treatment: What To Expect?

If you’ve not been sleeping well (or you think you have but for some reason, you are extremely tired every day), then it might be wise to talk with us about sleep apnea treatment. We know that you may not have realized you could address such an issue with your dental team but … surprise! As you become more familiar regarding the causes of sleep apnea, you’ll see that a visit with our practice may be just what you need to get your sleep under control and your daily life much more energized.


Fillings And Why They’re So Necessary

Don’t get us wrong, if your tooth is completely healthy, then you don’t require any type of restoration. However, when we find that you will benefit from a dental filling, it’s because something is wrong with your tooth! It’s called tooth decay and it might not be what you think (and you may have underestimated how badly it can affect your tooth). Let’s ensure you have the right perspective regarding the significance of scheduling that filling when we let you know it’s time for one.


Ready For Implants? Find Out More!

When you’ve thought through your options and you are very ready to make your smile whole and complete once more, you may find that it’s time to learn more about dental implants. As you already know that trying to research such things on your own can backfire, leaving you full of misinformation and confusion, you may wonder how to proceed. Fortunately, we can easily walk you through the steps regarding learning more and what you can expect. A general introduction will give you a much clearer vision regarding whether implants may be a contender!


Checking In On Checkups: What Are They?

You know that you need dental checkups two times a year with our practice because we remind you every time we have the chance! However, whether you’ve not had a checkup in a very long time and, as a result, feel fuzzy about the details … or if you really just aren’t sure what’s going on when you’re in the dental chair … we can help. The details of this procedure are simple to understand and their significance quickly becomes apparent as you learn more. Let’s cover the major highlights!


Same-Day Crowns: What’s The Story?

You may find yourself wondering if there’s any truth to same-day crowns or if this is just a name that’s used to convince patients that it’s something it’s not. Good news: The name actually does describe the restoration. So, how is it possible to receive a dental crown in a single day, when it can take weeks for the entire process with traditionally crafted and placed crowns? Fancy you should ask us! We are happy to walk you through what to expect.


Quick Talk: Dental Sealant Basics

You probably have a firm understanding at this point that dental sealants provide benefits for your children’s oral health. This is all well and good and sounds fantastic, of course. However, as a patient, what you really want and need is to understand what sealants will entail, why your child needs them, and what to expect! We would be pleased to walk you through the basics. Remember, if you have any additional questions, please bring them up the next time we see you (or you and your child) for dental care!
