Dental Care: How We Figure Out What You Need

You know that we keep telling you we offer comprehensive dental care with a list of lots (and lots) of dental services. However, what you begin wondering is how you’re going to figure out which treatment or two from that list is really what you need. Here’s what we like to remind our patients: That’s very simple! You don’t need to figure anything out. You just need to spend time with us for a dental appointment. We will take care of the details from there!


Tween Craft Time  

Do your tweens have a creative streak and you’re wondering if there’s anything you can do to encourage it? An easy place to start is with a trip to the library for Tween Craft Time! About 45 minutes of crafting will give your child special time carved out specifically for creating something artistic.


Let’s Review: All About Cleaning Your Tongue

You don’t know if you should clean your tongue or not. Perhaps you’ve polled friends and family members, assuming you’re going to end up with an overwhelming vote one way or the other but, alas, everyone else is just as uncertain as you are! What to do? Well, to begin, start with this one fact: Yes, you need to clean your tongue as part of daily, effective dental hygiene. Now, for the details you need in order to feel good about this (and to do it well), we’re here to help.


Q&A: Why Is Sugar Bad For Teeth?

You may have a hard time understanding what makes sugar so bad for your teeth when you really sit down and think about it. Does sugar instantly make a cavity form, you wonder, and why? How is it possible that something so delicious causes decay? Why is it that you can eat sugar, visit us for checkups, and sometimes you may have a cavity but sometimes you will not? We are here to give you the additional facts you need to understand the connection between sweets and oral health problems, so you can more easily keep your teeth protected.


Children’s Dental Fillings: 2 Things You Must Know

We know that when it comes to your children’s smiles, what you hope for is teeth that remain healthy, strong, and cavity free! However, sometimes decay gets the best of a child or teen and that leaves you as the responsible party who must schedule a children’s dental filling. Unfortunately, if you have doubts about the filling, you may feel a little torn regarding whether to move forward with the treatment or not. Good news: A couple reminders will let you feel confident and relaxed about rescuing your child’s tooth!


Why Am I Getting Dry Mouth?

You may recognize that you have dry mouth because, well, your mouth feels dry. You may notice that your lips are surprisingly chapped or cracked. You may also deal with a not-so-fresh breath feeling, with saliva that seems stringy instead of its usual consistency, and your ability to taste foods may change. What you may not understand, though, is why this is happening and what to do about it. Fortunately, we are always here to guide you toward the answers and solutions!


What To Do About Bad Breath

“Great,” you think to yourself. “This bad breath is still here.” Maybe you’ve added a mouth wash to your routine, hoping it would fix the problem, but it only masks it for a few hours. Perhaps you thought it would just go away on its own or that you’d just ended up with one bad case of morning breath. If you think you’ve hit a wall and may suffer from unkindly breath for the rest of your years, we remind you: We can always help! For right now, try out some very common fixes.


What’s Involved In A Deep Cleaning?

You’ve heard of a regular cleaning for your smile before (in all hopes) because this is something that we provide for you every six months! It’s a time for patients, from kids on up, to see us for the removal of plaque and tartar that cannot be addressed with brushing and flossing at home. So, then, you wonder, what is a deep cleaning? Is it similar? Well, it is a type of cleaning but it’s much more intensive. It’s for individuals with buildup that’s accumulated beneath the gumline and that has begun to negatively affect one’s gum health, either causing or leading to gingivitis or further stages of gum disease. Find out what you can expect from this beneficial treatment!
