Cleveland’s Library Is Hosting A Marvel Movie Marathon!

Scheduling routine pediatric dental care at your Cleveland, TX dentist’s office during the summer can help you ensure your child starts the new school year with a healthy smile. While this is certainly beneficial, you will obviously want to find additional ways to spend the time during their break. During every Thursday afternoon, the Austin Memorial Library in Cleveland is hosting a special Marvel movie marathon! Every week features a free screening of one to two Marvel movies. In addition to showing the movies, the library is providing free popcorn to viewers. The program is set to run through the month of August. (more…)

Make Truly Amazing Smile Changes With Porcelain Veneers

Taking on smile problems with cosmetic dental work can lead to a fantastic change to your appearance, and a big boost to your confidence. The way you look when you smile can affect how people perceive you, and hold real benefits for your professional and personal lives. One treatment that has helped many people see dynamic changes is the placement of porcelain veneers. With your veneers in place, you can show off a smile free of issues with discoloration, dental damage, and congenital problems. Because they are permanently placed, veneers can offer long-lasting improvements to the way you look. Your Cleveland, TX dentist’s office can help you understand what veneers can offer, and give you an idea of what to expect from cosmetic treatment generally. (more…)

Bring Signs Of TMJ Dysfunction To Your Dentist’s Attention

Spending your days suffering from different aches and pains in your face, neck, and head can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Your mood, your focus, and your general sense of well-being can all be sapped by chronic discomfort. So what should you do about this problem? One thing you should know is that these can all be symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, which is a problem rooted in your jaw joints. Your Cleveland, TX dentist can identify symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, recognize the issue, and offer you relief through treatment. If your problems also include a teeth grinding habit, delaying care could lead to real dental damage, in addition to chronic pain. (more…)

Struggling To Address Tooth Discoloration? See Your Dentist

When you notice that your smile lacks its previous brightness and whiteness, your first instinct may be to switch to a toothpaste that claims to whiten teeth. You could see what an over the counter whitening kit can do for your appearance, too. When people use these products, they can see some measure of improvement when surface stains are removed from their enamel. Unfortunately, what they can fail to enjoy is the kind of striking results people tend to hope for when they try to make their smiles whiter. Your Cleveland, TX dentist is ready to help you make your smile significantly whiter by providing you with a professional whitening treatment. (more…)

Celebrate July 4th With Friends And Family In Cleveland!

The Fourth Of July is a great opportunity to spend time with friends and family, enjoy a cookout, and generally make the most of your evening. Of course, it is only appropriate that your evening end with a truly impressive fireworks display! This July 4th, you and your family can witness a true spectacle here in Cleveland, as the city will host its own fireworks show at Cleveland Municipal Park! The city will also have a live band on hand to provide great entertainment. Your Cleveland, TX dental office is proud to take care of Cleveland family smiles, and we hope you have a truly wonderful holiday. (more…)

Kids and Toothpaste: A Quiz

Keeping young teeth healthy is important….even if those teeth will eventually fall out. Baby teeth help adult teeth find their proper place, and can help set the stage for attractive and functional smiles through teen years, and into adulthood. Young hands may need help with brushing techniques, and children will take their cues from the adults in the household, when developing good habits of brushing and flossing. Though toothpaste might seem like a minor dental decision, there are things everyone should know about kids and toothpaste!  (more…)

What To Do For Irritations, Sores, And More

So, you’ve got yourself a canker sore! No, you’ve got a cut. Or, you’ve got some kind of irritation that’s uncomfortable and you’re pretty sure you scraped your gum tissue. Maybe you burned your tongue! There are so many types of little injuries and hurts that can affect your oral health that can cause you to feel like you really don’t know if it’s time for home care or time for a dental visit. We can help you figure out which way to go and how to proceed!


Deep Cleanings: Your Perio Care FAQs

So, you need a deep cleaning instead of a traditional cleaning because your gum health is not in peak condition! Not a problem. We provide ultrasonic scaling and root planing! If you are already aware of this particular detail but you have to admit that you don’t really know what any of this means (except that your smile needs extra help due to your gum condition), then our responses to some frequently asked questions might be just what you need!


Sleep Apnea: Can’t I Just Ignore It For Now?

Can I just stop worrying about sleep apnea for now, you might wonder to yourself? Can’t I just think about sleep apnea treatment in the future when it seems like I really cannot take it anymore? While we appreciate your approach to procrastination, of course, we have to say that if you choose to wait for now, you’re opening yourself up to some serious consequences! Best to avoid them. Discover why.
