Want To Give Yourself A Holiday Gift? Start With Your Smile!

What are you thinking about this year as you gather up holiday wish lists from friends and family members? Do you have a list stashed somewhere that you’ve been writing for your eyes only? When you want to give yourself a holiday gift that will stand the test of time and truly put a (beautiful and healthy) smile on your face, don’t forget about the gift of dental care. At first glance, it might not seem that exciting. However, when you consider our Cleveland, TX team’s ideas, you may find that you quickly change your tune!


Bruxism: Are There Some Changes You Need To Make?

Are there some changes you need to make because, although you know you have bruxism disorder, you haven’t exactly followed through with doing anything about it yet? We understand! You may think to yourself, “But I never feel myself grinding or clenching my teeth!” As a result, it seems like you can just ignore the issue for a while. Over time, however you will discover that there really is a problem and you will want to do what you can to take care of it. Fortunately, our Cleveland, TX team is always on hand to help you with treatment, as well as additional lifestyle suggestions that will most certainly guide you toward the relief that your oral health needs.


Smile Balance: Questions You May Not Have Asked Yet

Do you know whether you have excellent smile balance? If you’re shrugging your shoulders and looking around, then you may not have ever even heard of this before! Rest assured, when you visit our Cleveland, TX practice for a dental checkup, this is most certainly an oral health concern we will point out if it is affecting you. Not sure what to make of this but now that we bring it up, your smile doesn’t close quite as seamlessly as you’d like? Learn more with a Q&A session.


3 Things You Can Trust Regarding Veneers

There are some things you can most certainly trust regarding your choice to rely on porcelain veneers for a more beautiful smile! However, if you are new to the world of cosmetic care or simply new to veneers, you may not know much about such outstanding benefits. You might feel like you don’t know if you should go ahead and select veneers because you worry you can’t trust them (but as for knowing exactly which questions to ask, you might fall short, thereby leaving you at a stand still!). Not to worry, our Cleveland, TX team is quite accustomed to this conundrum and we are very happy to help you get back on track with feeling good as you consider veneers.


3 Things To Remember: About Your Plaque Removal!

We know that the second you start hearing our Cleveland, TX team (or anyone for that matter) talk about plaque removal, you might completely zone out. You’ve heard it before, you know that plaque is bad, and you know you should be brushing and flossing! Of course, you know these things but … do you follow through with the care you need to ensure your smile is super clean? Do you really know why plaque is so bad? If you had a few more details in that dental care knowledge bank of yours, it might actually provide you with the context you need in order to feel just as concerned as we do for your oral health! Ready to learn some new information? Here we go!


Halloween And Your Sugar Concerns: Working Around Them

Are you trying to figure out what on earth you’re going to do this year? You’ve been doing a wonderful job with your oral health but Halloween is headed our way and with it comes lots of candy and other items packed with delicious sugar! Not to worry. We are your trusty team of dental professionals in Cleveland, TX and we are here to guide you!


Treat Street 2018  

Yes, we know! Halloween is nearly a full month away! However, we also know that for individuals who take this holiday seriously, you need all the time you can get to prep your costume, get your social calendar in check, and get ready for the candy and the fun! So, to ensure you never miss a beat as far as the community is concerned, you’ve been reminded: Treat Street 2018 in Cleveland, TX is on the horizon and it’s coming up quick!


Your Toothbrush: Things To Look For As You Choose A Winner!

If you buy any brush that catches your eye as you’re loading up on dental hygiene products, you might be surprised to learn that you could pick a winner … or a bit of a loser! Did you know that there are some specifications to follow as you’re selecting this smile-cleansing tool? If this is news to you but you’re more than happy to follow any recommendations that will make for better oral health, then come along as our Cleveland, TX team gives you some very important insight. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to let us know the next time you have a visit with us!


Your Smile: How To Feel Good About Choosing To Whiten

You might like thinking about how your smile will look once it’s whitened. However, there may be things about actually going through the process of choosing to brighten it that cause you some amount of stress. We know that when you’re new to this type of cosmetic care, you might stumble a little as you decide to take the idea from dream form to reality. So, what’s causing you to feel unsure and not-so-confident about addressing discoloration? Can our Cleveland, TX team help you feel better in any way? We’re fairly certain that we can!
