Keep Texas Beautiful: Litter Prevention Artwork Submissions

Do you have a child in kindergarten through 12th grade? From little ones to teens, all are welcome to submit artwork to be displayed in the Don’t Mess With Texas Calendar! This friendly statewide competition is held through a collaboration with Keep Texas Beautiful and the Texas Department of Transportation, so your Cleveland, TX student is invited to participate! Get those creative juices flowing and don’t miss the deadline!


Things To Change Once You Get A Cavity

Once you get a cavity, you may think of it as “the final straw.” You know that you haven’t been taking the very best care of your smile, so now that you have tooth decay and you will need to see us for a dental filling, you’re ready to change your ways! Only, you might not be entirely sure where to begin. You know brushing and flossing are essential but what else? Not to worry, our Cleveland, TX team happens to be quite experienced in the ways of improving one’s smile care, so sit back, relax, and enjoy a quick tour of some things you should probably make better in your usual routine!


Spring Clean Your Dental Routine: Easy Tips!

Is your dental routine its best? Do you feel like your bathroom is tidy and it’s ready to go at a moment’s notice, when you are ready to brush and floss your smile? Or, do you tend to wade through a pile of different toothpastes, never sure which is the most current, you’re not sure about how old your toothbrush is, and your general home dental care could use a quick spring cleaning? If it’s the “it need a cleanout” option, then our Cleveland, TX reminds you that we are still enjoying the spring season! Apply spring cleaning to your smile care and you’ll be so pleased with the results. Consider tips!


Painting With A Twist: Wood Surface Cutout

If you’ve ever attended a Painting With A Twist event in our Cleveland, TX community, then you’ve probably created your own masterpiece on a canvas, which is certainly delightful! However, if you’re prepared for another new twist on this fun, creative event, then get ready for the upcoming Painting With A Twist: Wood Surface Cutout! Just like it sounds, you’ll be swapping the canvas for a wooden surface for a truly beautiful memento that you can bring home with you!


Why Your Teeth Don’t Feel Completely Clean

When you think you’re following through with the stuff our Cleveland, TX team tells you to do for a healthy, clean smile, you wonder what’s happening when your teeth never feel completely clean! Are they supposed to feel this way, you begin to ask yourself? Maybe you are missing an entire step of preventive dental care and that’s the problem. For a quick breakdown of the details (and so we can check in with your grin), get in touch with us soon to schedule a dental visit! Until then, some simple ideas might give you that new insight you need to figure out what the deal is with your not-so-smooth-feeling teeth.


Is Flossing Grossing You Out? Help Is Here!

Nope, it’s not a process that is elegant by any means! Flossing is certainly a utilitarian aspect of dental care and something that is pretty straightforward. You wrap some thread around your fingers, you (gently) push the floss between your teeth and you remove plaque and debris this way! For the faint of heart, this experience may not be brimming with the refinement you tend to hope for from self care. Ready for some happy news? We can certainly help change your outlook by cleaning up the experience! Pay close attention to our Cleveland, TX team’s suggestions and you’ll be in better shape!


1st Annual 5K Fun Run: May The 4th Be With You

If you’re looking to celebrate the 4th of May (as in, May the 4th be with you, as a play on May the force be with you from Star Wars), then why not celebrate the force for the good of humanity? If you haven’t already heard about it, Cleveland, TX is about to experience our 1st Annual 5K Fun Run and you’re invited! It’s for a good cause, too, so what could be better?


Smile Problems That Can Go Unseen By You

There’s a common and inaccurate assumption amongst many dental patients that if something is wrong with one’s oral health, it will become visible. Or, it will at the very least become obvious in some way. However, our Cleveland, TX team is here to offer you one very important reminder: This isn’t always the case! As a result, it will certainly be in your best interest if, instead of practicing dental care the way you assume is effective, you follow our suggestions to a T! Consider some commonly invisible oral health concerns and how we suggest you manage your grin for a more successful experience.


Write It Down! Making Smile Care Easy.

You may feel like a walking storage tank for information. What you hear, you remember. When there’s a date that you need to keep, you’ve got it! Then again…you may feel like you’re not always really the best at remembering to follow through on things like dental visits. You may have run out of toothpaste more than once, only to forget to run to the store until it’s time to brush at night (making for an inconvenient last minute drugstore trip). These issues may seem like stuff that just happens sometimes but as far as our Cleveland, TX team is concerned: We can help you avoid such blunders! Learn more.


Clean-Up Cleveland 2019 Event

While every day is certainly a good day for each of us to do our part to keep our Cleveland, TX community clean and beautiful, a day dedicated to keeping our town lovely is certainly a wonderful effort. We’re quickly approaching the deadline to sign up for Clean-Up Cleveland 2019, so stick around to learn more about what’s going on and how you can volunteer!
