How Convenient Is Invisalign® Treatment?

For patients who want to straighten their teeth discreetly, Invisalign® has become a highly popular solution. Designed to straighten teeth using a series of clear acrylic aligners instead of traditional brackets and wires, Invisalign® allows patients to correct various types of tooth misalignment while keeping their treatment nearly undetectable. At our Cleveland, TX, dentist’s office, we offer Invisalign® to patients not only for its highly discreet nature, but also because of the enhanced comfort and convenience of clear aligners compared to traditional orthodontic braces. (more…)

Shop Local at Kingwood Farmers Market

Do you have a taste for fresh fresh veggies, or a hankering for local honey? Maybe it’s time to pay a visit to the Kingwood Farmers Market, and sample some of the local fare that is available there every Thursday afternoon. Your smile will be even brighter in Cleveland TX if you include healthful fresh fruits and vegetables of all types in your diet. And there’s more! If you think farmers markets are just about local produce, you are missing some of the additional goodies available, such as baked goods, eggs, local honey and non-edible treats by local crafters and businesses. (more…)

Past, Present, Future: Time And Your Smile Care 

When you’re practicing your smile care, it’s easy to get caught up in guilt about the past, distraction in the present moment, and worry about the future. You may find that instead of finding it easy to just move forward with excellent intentions that you put into action, you feel you’ve lost your footing. Not to worry: Our Cleveland, TX team can help you gain a new context for how to apply time itself to your ability to protect your teeth, gums, and more. See just what we mean and you’ll notice that it makes your day-to-day experience much simpler.


Put A Stop To Secret Smile Damage

Did you know that you might be damaging your smile as we speak but because you’re not aware of what’s going on, you may not even realize what’s happening? Are you worried because you think to yourself that if it’s in secret, then how are you supposed to ever figure out what’s going on? The good news is that there are some very easy ways for you to figure out what’s going on (hint: Our Cleveland, TX team can help during dental visits!) and once you discover potential culprits, you can stop them in their tracks. Consider some suggestions, so you can ensure you’re giving your grin the protection you assumed you were providing!


Be A Hero, For A Hero: Blood Drive

Figuring out how to give back to local law enforcement and first responders can feel like quite a challenge, yet you may feel compelled when your appreciation for all that they do for our Cleveland, TX community is on your mind. For those hoping to contribute and give thanks, don’t forget that the upcoming Be A Hero, For A Hero: Blood Drive is nearly here. By donating blood as a means of honoring the men and women who serve our community, you’re helping to carry out their number one goal: To save and protect the lives of those in need!


Smile Time: Things To Keep Within Reach When…

You’re not always going to be able to casually run to your restroom, take advantage of the full collection of dental hygiene items you have, and then get your smile nice and clean! In addition, sometimes, you’re supposed to be done with caring for your smile for the day (hint, hint: when you get into bed for the night). With that said, our Cleveland, TX team wonders: Are you ready throughout the day to cater to your oral health at the drop of a hat? Consider some things you should keep within reach during particular moments, so you can always answer yes to that question!


Things That Can Ruin An Otherwise Awesome Hygiene Session

When you’re brushing your smile and then you floss, and you get everything nice and clean, you should be able to finish this dental hygiene experience with a smile on your face! You should feel successful, accomplished, and you should be able to then simply move on with your day with the knowledge that you’re keeping your oral health on track. However, when something is getting in the way of these positive outcomes and instead, you’re dealing with hygiene sessions that are ruined as they go, our Cleveland, TX team reminds you that there is probably something you need to address! Whatever it is, make the changes necessary or give us a call and we will help!


Fall Festival & Hometown Christmas: Start Registering! 

Nope, don’t get too excited, it’s not quite time for Fall Festival or Hometown Christmas just yet! With that said, though it’s summertime, it’s hot, and the coziness of the autumn and winter festivities in Cleveland, TX may seem a far off dream, don’t forget that the time can whiz by in the blink of an eye! If you were hoping to register as a vendor at one or both of this year’s festivals, this is a quick reminder that the time to get going with that might be right now!


4 Things You Didn’t Realize Were Making Your Breath Bad

That pepperoni pizza? Of course it caused bad breath! Your oops moment when you accidentally fell asleep without brushing or flossing your smile? Yep, that will do it. Sometimes, you can quickly figure out why you have funky breath without question. At other times, however, you may be at a loss. You realize that your unpleasant breath isn’t subsiding but as for what you might be doing to contribute to this problem? You just can’t figure it out. While coming in to see our Cleveland, TX team will quickly help you regain your nice-smelling smile, we can help you better understand what might be going on.


Your Smile: Stop Feeling Guilty And Instead…

It’s very easy to find yourself feeling guilty about your smile when things don’t go exactly as you’d like for them to go. It’s also very easy to give into those feelings of guilty and to end up wallowing in them, instead of heading toward the other (very positive) end of the spectrum. While this emotion can help you take a clear look at things that you may not be doing quite right, we remind you that it’s best not to let guilt overtake you! Instead, you should harness all of that intensity you’re experiencing and turn it into something beneficial for your oral health! Find out what our Cleveland, TX team is referring to and your smile will be even better as a result!
