4 Basic, Frustrating Side Effects Of Decay

When tooth decay develops, you already know that this is bad news because it means your oral health has been compromised to a certain degree. With that said, we remind you that there are also some other side effects to worry about that may prove extremely frustrating! The silver lining in this cavity cloud? Our Cleveland, TX team, as always, is here to help you! Remember that all you have to do is schedule a visit with us, so we may examine your smile and offer care to fix the problem ASAP!


What Are Your Smile Care Wants?

As you know, there are smile care needs, such as keeping your oral health safe with preventive care or restorative treatments … and there are wants, such as making your smile look better! So, while you may spend the bulk of your time focusing on what it absolutely necessary for keeping your teeth, gums, and more in impeccable condition, we ask you: What is it that you’d really just like to accomplish for your grin? Remember that there’s a whole lot that you have at your disposal from our Cleveland, TX practice that will allow you to shine at spotlight on this question. What types of stuff, you ask? Why, allow us to enlighten you!


In A Pickle Festival 

Happen to be quite a fan of the pickle? Of just about anything pickled? How about of nearly anything else even remotely associated with pickles? If there’s really nothing better that you can think of, then the upcoming In A Pickle Festival may be right up your alley! Take a quick hop out of our Cleveland, TX community as you head to the big city for some serious all-pickle-all-day-long fun!


Early Treatment: Times When You Don’t Realize You Need It

Especially if you happen to be someone who procrastinates, pushing the limits of deadlines, and always figuring everything will be alright, as long as you eventually take care of something, we have news for you: There are many instances with your oral health and dental care in which you will need early treatment, even when you don’t realize it, in order to enjoy the easiest, most successful experience. Of course, quickly snapping into action when you need anything for your smile is always the best choice. As for offering you some clear motivation, however, our Cleveland, TX team highlights time-sensitive issues to consider!


Helping You Describe Your Toothache

There’s no question about it: You have a toothache. However, when we do question you about it, are you going to be able to give us an in-depth explanation about the type of discomfort you’re experiencing? Or, do you realize that aside from saying, “It hurts!” you aren’t really full of helpful adjectives at the moment to paint a detailed picture of what’s happening inside your mouth? To help you feel much more prepared and aware of your oral health and how to better communicate in this instance, our Cleveland, TX team extends some terms you may want to keep in mind!


3 Things You Didn’t Realize Could Encourage Decay

There are things that you have long had memorized that are clear and obvious causers of cavities! You know that you shouldn’t sit around eating candy all day every day or it might cause oral health problems. You know, as well, that if you don’t brush and floss your smile, you’re probably headed for tooth decay. With that said, you may have had an inkling somewhere along the way that you haven’t been entirely connecting the dots in terms of the many ways you can promote the development of decay. The good news? Our Cleveland, TX team can offer you the insight you want (and need). Any more questions? Just let us know!


3 Ways To Make Smile Care More Enjoyable

Not feeling like your smile care is something you would classify as enjoyable at the moment? Don’t worry: You’re not alone! We meet with lots of patients at our Cleveland, TX practice who tend to think of protecting their oral health as a bit of a rote chore. While you most certainly do need to keep up with the particulars on a daily and long-term basis, that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! So, why not key in to our way of thinking for just a moment, while you begin to look at protecting your smile in a much more enjoyable light? Try some ideas on for size.


2019 Back To School Spectacular! 

Summer is quickly winding down and the first day of school is just becoming visible on the horizon, which means something very exciting in our Cleveland, TX community: It’s the 2019 Back To School Spectacular! You are invited to show up with your school supplies list in tow (and your kiddos, too), as you make the supply part of your back-to-school shopping as easy and fun as possible! Learn more!


Your Cavity: Detect It, Accept It, Treat It! 

When the topic of the day in terms of your smile care concerns is a cavity, well, there are a lot of thoughts that may be going through your mind. Our Cleveland, TX team knows that whether you’re not even sure if you have one and need a dental filling, if this is your first cavity (or most recent in a long line of cavities), or if you are just wondering how to avoid additional tooth decay, you may still have a bit of emotional discomfort in regard to the matter. Generally speaking, when you feel informed and know just what to do, it makes following through with protecting your teeth so much easier! Let us cover the details with some very simple steps.
