Why Bruxism Disorder Doesn’t Have To Be Upsetting

No, nobody wants to find out that there’s something not going correctly in terms of oral health. However, our Cleveland, TX team wants you to remember that when you discover you require dental treatment for an issue, this isn’t a reason to become upset! Instead, it’s a relief to know you have dental care on your side, to make things better. Let’s use bruxism disorder as today’s example. Sure, you may be a bit distressed to discover your smile isn’t in perfect condition but that, instead, you are experiencing a functional disorder! The upside? Let’s discuss the details!


Family Movie Matinee: September 2019

Do you ever find yourself very in the mood for the whole popcorn and movie experience with your family (but not so in the mood to fork over a small fortune to do so)? However, do you find that streaming a film from the sofa just doesn’t quite live up to the excitement of sitting in front of the big screen? Why not have your popcorn and eat it too, when you enjoy all of the fun of checking out a new flick with others in our Cleveland, TX community (just without the expense)? Take part in the upcoming Family Movie Matinee for a new outing!


Why Invisalign Trays Instead Of…

You may be considering Invisalign trays, an idea that our Cleveland, TX team admires! If you are a good candidate for this means of aligning your teeth, then you will be extremely pleased to learn about the many benefits, the easy treatment experience, and you will be most happy with the final results! With that said, you may wonder: Why Invisalign treatment instead of something else? Are you making the right choice or are you overlooking something even better, more suitable, or otherwise? Allow us to help by addressing potential alternatives and what to consider about them as you go.


Flossing Benefits: A Much-Needed Lightning Round!

Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up solely in what you really want to do versus what you don’t feel like doing, rather than considering the why behind accomplishing that particular task. When it comes to flossing your smile as part of your daily smile care, for instance, you may decide that you’re not really in the mood to floss, that you’d rather just skip it, and you may only sometimes do it. Or, maybe you don’t do it at all! To help remind you about the why behind flossing, so you can gather up a new batch of motivation, our Cleveland, TX team offers you a lightning round of the major benefits!


Smile Sounds: How To React If You Recently Heard…

You know that your smile sometimes feels different than it usually does. It may look different from time to time, as well. However, if you suddenly notice that it sounds different, this may come as quite a shock! What to think about changes in terms of noises that are emanating from your mouth, you wonder? Well, as you might imagine, our Cleveland, TX team always encourages you to pick up the phone to call us, so we can provide you with an accurate answer (and any necessary solution) during a visit. For now, let’s help you solve the mystery of some common, easy-to-hear oral health related symptoms!


Friends Of The Library Meeting

Do you love the smell of old books, do you love reading, and are you quite a supporter of local activities? Are you curious about the events at your local Cleveland, TX library? Have you ever wondered about what goes into planning the programs and more that you and your family have access to every month? If so, then there’s some good news to be had! You are invited to attend the Friends of the Library meeting, which will give you immediate access to all of the information you’re curious about!


The Gingivitis Rundown: Essentials To Remember! 

If gingivitis isn’t something you can exactly rattle off lots of facts about, in terms of keeping your smile very healthy, then now is probably a very good time to allow our Cleveland, TX team to help you take care of that! Why, you wonder? Well, just like other issues, such as tooth decay, that may seem almost harmless at first glance, we remind you that all stages of gum disease pose quite a threat! When you’re educated on these topics and are fully prepared to protect your smile, there’s nothing to worry about. So, let’s make sure you know just what to do (and why).


If You Don’t Get The Restorative Care You Need…

When we determine that you require restorative care, this is something that you need. Unlike determining that whitening is the appropriate selection for your discoloration, or some other distinction that doesn’t impact your oral health now and in the long run, remember that any and all treatments to fix your smile are absolutely necessary. With that said, you may wonder: Why is this so pressing? What’s really going to go so wrong if you avoid a restorative treatment with our Cleveland, TX team? Well, let’s spell out the details for you, so you recognize that seeing us for care is highly preferable to the potential consequences.


Fall Festival Vendor Applications: Accepted Now! 

Autumn may seem a ways off but before you know it, the weather will change (at least a little bit!), we’ll be pulling out the pumpkin decor, and fall will be in full swing. While you’ve still got some summer to soak up before it’s officially gone, this is your reminder that if you are interested in participating in the upcoming Cleveland, TX Fall Festival as a vendor, now is most definitely the time to make your intentions known!
