Invisalign, Nightguards, And Sleep Treatment: What’s The Holiday Theme?

You know by now, if you are one of our Cleveland, TX practice’s patients that we offer lots and lots of services. From comprehensive preventive care to cosmetic improvements, we’re always on board to help. However, what you might not be able to piece together on your own but that we would really love to highlight this holiday season? The common thread that runs from Invisalign treatment to nightguards and that continues right on along through sleep apnea treatment. What’s this holiday theme, you’re wondering, and what’s it got to do with your smile care? Why, allow us to offer you some helpful enlightenment!


It’s Back! The Kids’ Christmas Coloring Contest For 2019! 

Does your little one happen to have quite a talent for coloring? Perhaps keeping those crayons within the lines and coming up with amazing color schemes is something for which your son or daughter has quite the talent! Whether your child loves an over-the-top approach to coloring or a very refined, gentle style, the upcoming Christmas Coloring Contest 2019 invites all artists to enter! Don’t miss this fun, annual Cleveland, TX experience that lets the kiddos get their creative juices flowing!


3 Ways To Brag About Your Root Canal 

Wait a second you might be thinking to yourself … brag about my root canal treatment? Yes, that’s right. In the midst of wondering how you ended up with a damaged tooth that requires intensive restorative care, potentially feeling a bit unsure about the treatment, and more, you may have overlooked this very important factor: You absolutely gain bragging rights, when you follow through with seeing our Cleveland, TX team for this ever-important dental care. Consider just how to go about enjoying a bit of boasting and you’ll feel so much better about your upcoming tooth repair!


Why You Really Want To Avoid Flossing (But Shouldn’t)

How has your day been today? How about your week? “How are things going in general?” you’re wondering. Actually, what our Cleveland, TX team would really like to know is: How’s that flossing going and do you feel wonderful about it? Or, do you feel like you’d really love to toss your dental floss out the window and never think about it again? If it’s the second option, then we think you probably need our help at the moment, so you can move forward feeling much happier about incorporating dental floss into your dental hygiene routine. It might not sound possible but we promise: It really is!


Calling All Cooks For Hometown Christmas! 

Are you a huge fan of our annual Hometown Christmas in our Cleveland, TX community? If you’re laughing because of course you are, we understand! With that said, remember that the delicious food you look forward to every year is only made possible by community members who sign up as food vendors, so the celebration is just as yummy as it is fun! So, if you’re a cook and have brought your delicacies to the event in the past or you’re thinking you’d like to get started for 2019, don’t hesitate! This is your invitation!


Toothbrushes: Tiring Decision Making Made Easy! 

Figuring out which toothbrush to select doesn’t seem extremely difficult. That is, until you’re looking at what feels like about a thousand different options. You feel fortunate to have access to nearly any type of dental hygiene item you could possibly ever hope to acquire, and all within your local drugstore. However, just reaching for a brush and going along on your merry way is not going to happen. Can our Cleveland, TX team assist you in determining which brush to reach for, so you feel sure you’re going to be able to get a very good cleansing during your brushing sessions? But of course!


What’s Stopping You From Whitening Your Smile?

There are some difficulties we learn to live with, but did you know that living with a less-then-optimally-bright smile is not one of them? Teeth-whitening is the most common cosmetic dental procedure, so it’s easy to understand why you might wonder it it’s right for you. When it comes to a brighter smile, there are some who jump in and take the plunge, and others who have a list of questions to bring to their experienced cosmetic dentist in Cleveland, TX. Before you spend too much time clicking around on the internet, or asking your friends what they think, spend a few minutes gathering input from knowledgeable dental professionals. (more…)

Make Children’s Smile Care A Pre-Holiday Priority 

Yes, you’re absolutely correct if you’re saying to yourself, “Pre-holiday priority? But it’s nearly Halloween!” While this first of a long string of autumn and winter holidays is certainly just a couple days away, our Cleveland, TX team reminds you to use this as your catalyst to give us a call just as soon as you can. While you may not make it to our practice for a children’s dental visit before the trick-or-treating commences, it certainly provides you with a good deadline for calling our practice, setting up an appointment, and ensuring you’re giving your child the best opportunity for a comfortable, healthy smile throughout the upcoming holidays!


Dental Crowns: 4 Very Helpful R-Words! 

Dental crowns are often a restorative care treatment that trips up our patients in terms of what they can expect. On one hand, you may feel extremely concerned about how your tooth and entire smile is going to look after placement. On the other hand, our Cleveland, TX team knows that you may become more and more worried about how long your crown will last and what it will take to keep it safe. With all of that said, we are more than pleased to be able to remind you that it’s very easy to protect, use, and enjoy your crown (and whole smile), once your treatment is completed. What makes us say this, you ask? Consider some R-words to help you out!
