Finding the Cause of Your Teeth-Grinding Habit

A lot of things might surprise you about teeth-grinding. For instance, for some people, it isn’t something they can always control, or that they’re even always aware of. Such constant teeth-grinding, known as bruxism, can also be the cause of one or more different underlying issues that you may or may not be aware of. The only way to be sure of anything about your teeth-grinding habit is to find out the cause of it, which requires a professional examination and diagnosis from your dentist. (more…)

The Important Benefits of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment system that consists of custom-designed acrylic aligners, rather than the brackets and wires that make up traditional braces. The aligners are made from a clear material that keeps them virtually invisible, which is one of the most notable benefits of Invisalign®. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we may recommend straightening your crooked teeth with the help of Invisalign® for many different reasons. Their more discreet appearance is only one. (more…)

How Can Fluoride Help You Maintain Good Hygiene?

There are several myths surrounding dental care, in part due to a movement towards remedies and supplements that are considered “natural.” If you’ve spoken to anyone on this journey, or read any blogs or articles online, it’s possible that you’ve come across a particularly peculiar myth: that fluoride is a harmful chemical that you need to watch out for and cut from your oral healthcare routine. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will clear up the misconceptions surrounding fluoride by answering real questions that you might be having. If you have any further questions, you can always call us at Cleveland Family Dentistry, or ask us at your next checkup and cleaning.


Reasons That Adults Still Need Checkups

If having a checkup sounds juvenile or like something that only children need, your feelings aren’t uncommon- but they are misinformed. While children benefit greatly from regular dentist visits to make sure that they are developing properly and to ward off cavities, these visits are just as important for adults. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist will discuss the reasons that adults still need to attend regular checkups and cleanings, as well as what a visit to our office is like.


How to Save Your Tooth with a Dental Crown

One of the reasons why dental crowns have been a part of professional dental treatment for so long is that they’re effective. A dental crown completely covers, or caps, a tooth’s visible structure, which can do a number of different things, depending on the tooth’s specific concerns. Today, modern crowns are crafted with greater precision and more biocompatible, lifelike materials than ever. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can custom-design the right dental crown to save your tooth, as well, restoring its health as well as improving its (and your smile’s) healthy appearance. (more…)

How Your Tooth Got to Needing Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is widely recognized, but it isn’t something that everyone will have to undergo in their lives. The condition that causes the need for it – a tooth infection known as decay – is often noticed, treated, and stopped before it becomes that severe. However, if you do need root canal therapy, then your tooth may be in serious trouble, and you shouldn’t wait any longer to treat it. At our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can help save your tooth from extreme decay by performing comfortable root canal treatment in our office. (more…)

Smile Bright at the 2nd Annual Valentine’s Dinner at The Lonesome Dove

Whether you’re shopping for a wedding venue for your upcoming nuptials or just wanting to look your best for Valentine’s Day, a beautiful, healthy smile can be the most important part of your outfit. If you are in the mood to look your best and be seen in our community on this Valentine’s Day, the 2nd Annual Valentine’s Dinner at The Lonesome Dove is the place to be.


What Makes Invisalign® a Good Choice?

Orthodontic treatment didn’t always come with a lot of choices. Traditionally, the process of realigning teeth that aren’t in proper alignment could only be accomplished with the help of orthodontic braces, which consist of brackets and wires. Today, however, patients who need to straighten crooked teeth have more choices than ever before for improving their smiles and tooth alignment. For example, at our Cleveland, TX, dental office, we can suggest a more discreet and comfortable alternative in the form of Invisalign® clear aligners. Made from nearly invisible acrylic instead of metal brackets and wires, clear aligners can be a good choice for improving your smile in a way that isn’t as obvious as traditional braces. (more…)