Answering a Few Questions About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can affect virtually anyone, yet can remain discreet enough that many patients can go years before realizing they have it. It typically describes a chronic obstruction of your airway that occurs when you sleep at night, which can cause you to snore loudly and in a highly distinctive pattern. When left untreated, sleep apnea can also dramatically impact the quality of your sleep, leading to several consequences in your day-to-day life. Today, we take a look at what having sleep apnea means, and how you might be able to tell if it’s become a problem. (more…)

Tips to Stop Teeth-Grinding Before You Seek Treatment

When most people think of teeth-grinding, at least in the context of it being harmful, the most common concern that comes to mind is bruxism. A chronic condition that causes you to grind your teeth consistently, bruxism can often lead to a wide range of oral health concerns. This is why many people who know what bruxism is may worry if they notice themselves grinding their teeth on occasion. Fortunately, not every case of grinding teeth is a reliable indication of bruxism. For many people, the following tips can help put a stop to their teeth-grinding habits and better protect their oral health, without the need for professional bruxism treatment. (more…)

What a Toothache Usually Means

The problem with having a toothache is that, in many cases, you might not know exactly what it means. Perhaps you have a cavity or more serious tooth decay to contend with. Or, perhaps the tooth’s enamel is just a little weaker than it should be. Though there can be many different causes for a toothache, the most common involve the diminished health or integrity of your tooth’s structure or outer layers. Therefore, you have a good chance of avoiding a toothache by ensuring you consistently keep your teeth healthy and strong. (more…)

Everyday Life with Invisalign® Clear Aligners

After wearing Invisalign® clear aligners for a while, the benefits of straightening your crooked teeth with nearly invisible aligners can seem obvious. Most notably, you can enjoy the confidence of knowing that, once your treatment is complete, your teeth will be straight and healthy, and no one will notice your aligners until then. However, the many different benefits that clear aligners can offer become much more significant the longer you wear them. Today, we take a look at a few of these benefits by examining what everyday life is like with clear aligners, compared to more traditional orthodontic braces. (more…)

Why Preventing Cavities Is Easier than You Might Think

What most people recognize about cavities is the fact that everyone can develop one at some point in their lives. In fact, nearly 90% of all people will have to treat tooth decay by the time they reach their 60s. Perhaps because they’re so common, many people overestimate what it takes to successfully prevent cavities, or simply don’t believe it’s possible to prevent them at all. The truth, however, is that cavities and the tooth decay that causes them are among the easiest things to prevent, if you stick to a consistently good hygiene routine and stay attentive to what you expose your teeth to. (more…)

Caring for Your Smile with Invisalign® Aligners

For many patients who experience tooth misalignment (crooked teeth), Invisalign® clear aligners have proven a valuable alternative to traditional orthodontic braces. The need to straighten crooked teeth is a significant one. When they aren’t aligned properly, your teeth can be subject to a wide range of risks, from severe wear and damage to increased risks of things like tooth decay, and more. Fortunately, Invisalign® clear aligners can help you avoid these consequences by making orthodontic treatment more manageable, which includes making it easier for you to care for your smile throughout the course of your treatment. (more…)

A Few Tips to Help You Sleep Better at Night

There are many reasons why you might not sleep peacefully every night, but only a few of them can repeatedly diminish your sleep quality every night. The problem with some sleep disorders is that you may not realize your have one for a long time, and the impacts it can have on your daily quality of life can becomes increasingly harder to ignore. Today, we examine a few common ways to improve your quality of sleep each night, and what to do if the problem is something less common and more serious, such as obstructive sleep apnea. (more…)

Are Your Hygiene Skills Up-to-Date?

While most people memorized the principles of good dental and personal hygiene long ago, not everyone fully understands the importance of sticking to those principles. It can be easy to grow lax in your hygiene routines, both dental and personal, as you go through the same routines multiple times every day. To help make sure your hygiene skills and practices are up-to-date, we review some of the most important aspects of them, and how you can improve them if you haven’t been as diligent as you should be. (more…)

We Can Help When You Have A Dental Emergency

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if the dental issues you are experiencing should be considered a dental emergency. Luckily, we at Cleveland Family Dentistry are prepared to help you and all members of your family during emergency situations. So, in today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentists will give tips on how to recognize a dental emergency and how we can help you through those situations.


Things You Might Not Know Lead to Tooth Loss

When you stick with it consistently, protecting your smile and maintaining your good oral health is a relatively simple process. The basic principles of a good dental hygiene routine – namely, keeping your teeth and gums clean of oral bacteria – and the regular professional care you get from routine checkups and cleanings can often be enough. However, when oral bacteria are able to accumulate enough to become a threat, what that threat could entail isn’t always obvious at first. Today, we examine a few consequences of allowing oral bacteria to accumulate excessively, and how these consequences can contribute to significantly higher risks of tooth loss. (more…)