Can You Lower Your Risks of Tooth Loss?

Sticking to a good dental hygiene routine every day and visiting your dentist routinely for checkups and cleanings are good ways to lower your risks of experiencing most dental health concerns. That’s because the most common concerns, like tooth decay and gum disease, are the products of certain types of oral bacteria being allowed to accumulate out of control. When it comes to lower your risks of experiencing tooth loss, the same principles apply – it’s important to prevent the many different factors that could potentially lead to tooth loss. (more…)

How Do You Decide if a Tooth Should Be Extracted?

When a tooth exhibits a serious problem, like extensive damage or infection in its natural structure, extracting the tooth can seem simpler than treating and restoring it. Yet, because it results in the loss of all of the tooth’s natural structure, tooth extraction is typically only a good idea if the tooth can’t be saved. Today, we examine how your dentist determines when tooth extraction is the best option for your smile, and a few conditions that might call for it. (more…)

What if Your Tooth Is Severely Damaged?

There are ways to save teeth that experience a wide range of concerns, including severe damage to its structure. In some cases, tooth damage can be a more immediate concern than other common concerns, such as chronic tooth decay, because it can pose an immediate and serious threat the tooth and your oral health if not addressed immediately. In severe cases, this threat could lead to the loss of the tooth or the need for its extraction. However, in many cases, in a severely damaged tooth can be saved with a dental crown or other custom dental restoration. (more…)

Could Root Canal Treatment Cure Your Severe Toothache?

You may know several different ways to relieve a minor toothache with at-home remedies, but most of them have one thing in common – they don’t address the root cause of your tooth’s pain. Therefore, most toothaches require a professional diagnosis and treatment to fully alleviate them and stop them from coming back. In severe cases, tooth pain may be the result of an infection in your tooth, known as tooth decay, that systematically erodes the healthy structure of the tooth. If your toothache and decay are severe enough, then root canal treatment may be the only effective way to address them. (more…)

Why Tooth Fillings (and Cavities) Are So Common

Some oral health concerns develop because non-preventable issues, such as congenital malformations of certain oral structures, or the misalignment of your teeth. Others might seem to be unpreventable because they occur so commonly, but are actually the result of things that could be prevented with consistently good care. Cavities, which are the product of tooth decay, are often the latter kind of issue. Though they may be highly preventable, cavities can occur frequently enough to make them seem almost inevitable. Because of this, tooth fillings designed to treat cavities are just as common, and in many cases, they can help stop a cavity in its tracks and preserve the rest of your tooth’s healthy, natural structure. (more…)

Straightening Crooked Teeth with Invisalign®

In our previous article, we examined the importance of straightening crooked teeth, and what problems might occur if you hesitate or neglect to. However, for many older teen and adult patients, orthodontic braces can seem like enough of an inconvenience to cause them to hesitate to address to their tooth misalignment. Today, we explore how Invisalign® clear aligners may provide a much more discreet, comfortable, and convenient alternative, and how the clear aligners can help more patients benefit from straighter, healthier teeth. (more…)

Important Things to Know About Crooked Teeth

Many people reach adulthood without ever needing braces to straighten crooked teeth in their childhood. Once they do, it can seem like the worries of ever needing braces are no longer a concern. However, even if they’ve never experienced tooth misalignment before, many adult teeth can shift or be forced out of their proper alignment after they’ve already fully developed. When this occurs, the need to correct their tooth alignment can be a surprised to some patients. It can also be essential to helping them maintain their long-term oral health, which is why we offer discreet and comfortable solutions, such as clear aligners, to help make straightening crooked teeth more convenient. (more…)

What Does Sleep Apnea Do to Your Sleep Pattern?

If you’ve never heard of sleep apnea, then you might be surprised to learn that you have it, and that it may be the cause of several things you thought were inexplainable. Both the consequences of sleep apnea and the fact that it often goes unnoticed are often due to the fact that it isn’t obvious to you as you sleep. Today, we examine what sleep apnea does to your sleep and breathing patterns, and why addressing it as soon as possible could have a greater impact on your wellbeing than you realize at first. (more…)

Things You Can Thank Your Teeth-Grinding Habit For

Grinding your teeth every day isn’t something that everyone experiences, and when it occurs, it’s often a sign of a much more serious underlying oral health concern. Also known as bruxism, habitual teeth-grinding can be caused by one or several other factors, and when it isn’t addressed promptly, it can also cause several subsequent conditions with your teeth and oral health. Today, we take a look at a few of the things you may be able to attribute to your teeth-grinding habit, and why it’s important to treat it as soon as possible to avoid them. (more…)

Important Notes About Better Dental Hygiene

Good dental hygiene seems like common sense in many ways. Even people who aren’t particularly careful with keeping their smiles healthy agree that it’s important to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. However, there’s more to keeping your smile healthy than just spending a few minutes at the bathroom sink every day. Today, we examine a few important notes about better dental hygiene, and how it affects more of your daily routine than you might expect at first. (more…)