How Modern Tooth Fillings Have Advanced

The most frequent need to visit the dentist is for routine checkups and cleanings, which are designed to help you prevent most dental concerns from developing. However, when a problem does develop, it’s most often tooth decay, which is the condition that causes a cavity to form. Because of this, tooth fillings are one of the more frequent dental treatments besides preventive dental appointments. Today, modern dental fillings have advanced in several important ways than the restorations that many people may still be used to. (more…)

3 Ways Veneers Could Be What Your Smile Needs

Porcelain veneers have become increasingly more popular over the years as a solution for addressing multiple types of cosmetic smile concerns. This is for several different reasons, such as their ability to correct these concerns at the same time, helping many patients minimize their smile improvement plans. However, the benefits that come with improving your smile with one or more veneers can include more than what you can see. With their more conservative nature, veneers may also be exactly what your smile needs to improve its future health and integrity. (more…)

What Bonding and Contouring Teeth Mean

Improving the appearance of your smile can sometimes seem complicated, depending on the specific concerns that you want to address. For example, if your smile is marred by issues that affect your tooth structure, it might seem like improving them can require altering a significant amount of your tooth structure. However, with cosmetic tooth bonding and contouring, addressing a variety of smile concerns can be more convenient and less invasive than many people expect. Today, we examine what that could mean for your smile, both in terms of your treatment and your results for your overall oral health. (more…)

What’s Better About Invisalign® Aligners?

When you need to straighten crooked teeth, there’s a lot to consider. The impact of your tooth misalignment can be more significant than you realize at first, but the implications of wearing metal braces may also be less attractive than you wish. For many patients who want to straighten their teeth discreetly, we can often recommend Invisalign® clear aligners. Designed to address a wide range of tooth alignment problems, Invisalign® clear aligners can offer a more discreet and enhanced experience when it comes to straightening crooked teeth and improving your smile’s appearance and bite function. (more…)

Things that Everyone Should Know About Cavities

The development of a cavity doesn’t seem like a big deal to most people, until the cavity starts to make their tooth hurt bad enough that it can no longer be ignored. However, when a cavity forms in your tooth, it can become one of the most immediate threats to the overall health and integrity of your smile. Not to mention, the discomfort that it causes will grow worse the longer you hesitate to treat the cavity. Until then, though, it can be easy to underestimate the importance of having your dentist diagnose and treat your cavity as soon as possible. (more…)

Ask Your Dentist if Invisalign’s the Right Choice

Is Invisalign Right for YouWhen your teeth are crooked, the most pressing concern might be how they make your smile look. Depending on the severity of your crooked teeth, this impact can be a significant one, and can have serious consequences for your overall self-confidence. However, straightening your crooked teeth does more for your smile than improve its appearance. It also improves your bite’s function, the long-term state of your oral health, and your chances of preserving your healthy, natural smile for life. To help encourage more people to straighten their misaligned teeth with orthodontic treatment, we can offer Invisalign® clear aligners that help keep their treatment comfortable and discreet. (more…)

3 Cosmetic Smile Concerns with Serious Consequences

When you develop certain cosmetic concerns with your teeth or oral tissues, the greatest impact can seem like the one they have on your smile’s appearance. That’s why cosmetic dental treatment typically focuses mainly on improving that appearance in an effective but highly conservative manner. Keeping cosmetic dental treatment minimally invasive is a key goal in designing cosmetic smile improvement, and with in many cases, it can help ensure that the problem doesn’t have more serious consequences for the long-term state of your oral health. (more…)

When to Treat a Toothache Like a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies aren’t typically discreet dental concerns. When one occurs, it’s often obvious, especially if it’s the result of accidental trauma to your tooth’s structure. However, the definition of a dental emergency can vary depending on the specific nature of your concern, and in some cases, it may not be as obvious as you would expect. Today, we examine when something like a common toothache could be a more serious concern than it seems, and why you should treat it like a dental emergency to prevent further trouble with your tooth and oral health. (more…)

The Real Problems with Crooked Teeth

The appearance of a smile with crooked teeth can sometimes be obvious, but it isn’t the only problem that can arise when your teeth aren’t aligned the way they should be. The longer teeth remain crooked, or the more out of alignment they become, the greater these problems can become. Today, we take a look at a few of the consequences of tooth misalignment, and why it’s important to correct crooked teeth as soon as possible with appropriate orthodontic treatment. (more…)

Learn What Your Treatment Options Are For A Chipped Tooth

People can have different reactions to chipping a tooth. For some, the problem can create a serious flaw in a smile that once gave them confidence. For others, the problem may be hard to notice, but it can still be a concern for the way it interferes with their bite function. Because this problem can have different consequences, you should know that there are different responses that can be effective. At our Cleveland, TX dental practice, we can evaluate your chipped tooth and see what approach might be right for you. If necessary, we can provide restorative dental work to make sure the tooth is fully protected and visually improved. When damages are only superficial, we can suggest a conservative cosmetic dental procedure that gives you back your smile confidence! (more…)