How to Improve Your Tooth Filling’s Chance of Success

For people who develop cavities, which are caused by progressive tooth decay, the most frequently successful treatment option is to fill the cavity with biocompatible material. Often referred to as a tooth-colored filling, the lifelike restoration can give your tooth its strength and integrity back after the tooth decay has been removed from the cavity. Once the filling is placed, your tooth’s long-term health will rely on its continued success at restoring and protecting the tooth, and you can improve your tooth filling’s chance of success with these few tips. (more…)

Why a Tooth Might Crack, and How to Avoid It

There are highly specific reasons why some oral health concerns develop. For example, a cavity forms in your tooth because the enamel around it grows weak when it’s overwhelmed by oral bacteria. Gingivitis, the first phase of gum disease, develops in a similar manner, though the bacteria that cause tend to accumulate on your gum line, instead. However, when your tooth becomes cracked, or fractured, there isn’t always a single definitive factor. It can occur for a wide range of potential reasons, and fixing the crack in your tooth could also require addressing an ongoing problem with your oral health and/or tooth structure. (more…)

How You Can Benefit from Invisalign® Clear Aligners

When teeth aren’t aligned properly, it’s highly important to correct their alignment with appropriate orthodontic treatment. The problems that can arise from your teeth being crooked are significant and can impact every aspect of your oral health, from your smile’s appearance to your bite’s function and more. To help more patients enjoy the benefits of straighter teeth, we offer a variety of orthodontic treatment options, including Invisalign® clear aligners that can straighten teeth more discreetly than traditional braces. (more…)

Why Crooked Teeth Need Orthodontic Correction

Crooked teeth are often referred to as malocclusion, but the term encompasses more than just the misaligned state of your teeth. It also includes many of the impacts that result from their misalignment, including damage to your tooth structure and the changes to your bite’s balance and pressure. These cumulative effects are why it’s important to straighten teeth with orthodontic correction as soon as possible. Otherwise, restoring your smile could mean more than just bringing your teeth back into proper alignment. (more…)

How to Stop Snoring When You Have Sleep Apnea

When you have a chronic snoring problem, it’s probably a good idea to seek a solution to help you stop. At minimum, it will help your sleeping partner sleep more soundly each night, even if you don’t notice your snoring habit. At worst, however, your snoring might not be just a typical snoring habit. It could indicate a more profound sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. Today, we examine how snoring and sleep apnea are connected, and why you’ll need professional treatment to address your snoring habit if sleep apnea is the cause of it. (more…)

The Biggest Problems with Having Bruxism

On the surface, the biggest problems with bruxism is the chronic teeth-grinding that it consists of. Over time, the constant pressure and friction can lead to a wide range of immediate and long-term concerns with your health and integrity of your teeth. However, the longer it continues, the more complex the problems of bruxism can become, and in severe cases, recovering from it could require more extensive treatment than you expect. (more…)

Why Your Replacement Teeth Should Have Dental Implants

Replacing lost teeth is about a lot more than making your sure your smile looks whole again. While that is an important goal, an even more important one is restoring your good oral health and bite function, which can be significantly diminished when you experience the loss of one or more teeth. Today, we examine how dental implants are able to improve the quality of your replacement tooth or teeth, and what that improvement means for your long-term oral health and bite function. (more…)

Extracting and Replacing a Compromised Tooth

Before dental health care reached the advanced state that patients enjoy today, there weren’t always many options for saving a tooth once it became compromised. In many cases, tooth extraction was the only way to avoid the potentially serious consequences of many common types of tooth problems. Today, however, tooth extraction is only recommended as a last resort treatment option, when a tooth can’t be saved with advanced restorative dental treatment. Thanks to advanced tooth replacement options, extracting a tooth can also have less of a negative impact on your oral health, if it does become necessary. (more…)

Can a Dental Crown Lower Your Chances of Tooth Loss?

Dental crowns have long been a popular solution for fixing teeth that are damaged or compromised. Today, more modern, lifelike dental crowns are also well-known for their ability to improve the appearance of teeth, due to their highly customizable materials (such as porcelain). With an ability to more precisely restore and improve teeth when they’ve become compromised, a custom-designed dental crown can be the key to lowering your chances of tooth loss by restoring and protecting the tooth. (more…)

When Root Canal Treatment Is the Right Solution

The process of treating your root canals is most commonly recommended when tooth decay reaches its severe stage. The infection known as tooth decay is the result of harmful oral bacteria overwhelming your tooth structure, and if it reaches your root canal, then the problem can become a significant one. However, having a severely infected tooth pulp and root canal aren’t the only reasons why you may need root canal treatment. Today, we look at a few other times when it may be the right solution for protecting the long-term health and integrity of your tooth. (more…)