Free Tax Prep Event!

Here comes tax time! Are you feeling more motivated this year than usual about getting your taxes filed? Perhaps you feel just as much dread as you always do! In either case, you’ll be pleased to learn about the upcoming AARP Free Tax Prep Event that will work wonders for anyone looking to get ready to prepare and file!


Dental Hygiene Quiz: Time Consuming Or Not?

The sense that your dental hygiene requires serious commitment and time is a feeling that is shared by many dental patients. You need to come in for visits, you brush, you floss, you purchase products. It seems like a lot sometimes. However, is it really? Or is it just a matter of finding a routine and sticking with it until it feels streamlined and simple? We are happy to get to the bottom of this with you with a quick quiz. (Hint: As you may have guessed, caring for your smile takes very little time!).


Dental Fillings: You’ve Got Pressing Questions (We Have Answers)

When receiving a dental filling is new for you, it’s completely understandable that you have a lot of questions. Even patients who have had multiple fillings in the past often still come up with questions for us. As a result, we want to remind you that you are always more than welcome to ask us anything you wish about fillings or other dental related topics. To get started on feeling informed regarding this treatment, make your way through our Q&A.


Wish You Loved Your Smile? Try Cosmetic Dentistry!

Do you wish you could smile, take a look at yourself in the mirror, and think to yourself, “Wow, what a beautiful smile!” instead of wrinkling up your nose and feeling disappointed? We understand. Whether there’s a tiny issue that bugs you, widespread concerns from chipping to staining, or you can’t quite put your finger on the issue, we can help with cosmetic dentistry. Allow us to walk you through the details you need to get started, as well as what you can expect from us. Remember, when you’re ready to feel exceptional about your smile’s finish, it’s time to see us.


City Council Meeting And Joint Public Hearing

Do you tend to stay pretty active regarding all things related to Cleveland, TX? Perhaps you don’t get too involved but when something important comes up, you like to be aware of it. Whatever the case, we’ve got a helpful reminder for you: You and your fellow community members are welcome to the upcoming Monthly City Council Meeting and Joint Public Hearing with Zoning Commission. Want your voice to be heard? Now is your chance!


Your Questions About Dental Cleanings

As you may already know about dental cleanings, there’s something extremely refreshing about them. First, you will literally walk away from our practice with a fresher feeling mouth. Second, of course, you will know your mouth is as clean as it is going to get and that you’ve got a solid foundation for effective care at home. As for those details you’re unsure about (like what exactly we’re doing while you’re lying in our chair), we are happy to provide some quick answers!


Your Absolute Best Dental Care At Home

Oral health care is composed of two essential parts: The professional care you receive from our practice and the dental care you practice at home. If you’re remembering to call us to schedule a visit for yourself twice a year (in intervals of six months) then you are right on target with one part of your preventive care. However, do you know if you’re making strides with your efforts in your home bathroom or are you somewhat unsure? We can easily ensure you’re on the right track with some helpful suggestions.


Come On In For Comprehensive Care!

Are you a patient seeking out a dental practice where you (and the whole fam) can receive thoughtful, relaxing care that addresses the needs of everyone? Well, aren’t we glad you happened upon our website? You will discover in reviewing a quick rundown of our services that we provide patients with modern dental care through a full-spectrum selection of treatments. Whether you want your smile to look better, to become healthier, to avoid problems, or to recover from damage, we are honored to help! Give us a call today to get started on your smile care journey.


How To Protect Your Children From Broken Teeth

As you learn that kids have more energy than you remember ever having (and a greater tendency to fall down and run into things than you remember ever having), you quickly become the protector of all things. When it comes to your children’s teeth, you might find yourself feeling a little out of your element. What can you do to help protect those lovely teeth from becoming broken or dislodged? Fortunately, the oral health answers are actually quite simple to learn (and to implement).
