Avoiding Gum Disease: 3 Things You Need To Do At Home

Of course, you don’t want to experience gum disease. However, you might not know how to avoid it. You may not even realize that with your efforts in caring for your oral health, you are making some minor mistakes that may have you heading straight for periodontal problems. Fortunately, avoiding it is no rare feat. It’s just a matter of gathering up the effective preventive details you need, so you can keep your smile very healthy, free of plaque, and free of inflammation.


Your Cavity: Questions About Care

You have tooth decay, you discover during your dental checkup. Now what? Is it really that important that you quickly follow up by coming in for restorative care or do we just act as though it’s urgent? Is something bad going to happen to your tooth if you don’t come in for a dental filling? Or, can you take leisurely steps to scheduling your visit, receiving your filling eventually without any consequence? For frequently asked questions such as these, we offer answers that are sure to help you feel better informed.


Dental Emergency? Don’t Panic!

You don’t need us to tell you that prevention is the best plan for dealing with a dental emergency. A mouthguard should be in place during any contact sport, or during activities where falling or collision is a possibility. Prevention means not ignoring early signs of dental trouble, hoping things will get better on their own. Sometimes, however, dental emergencies do arise. If you have a sudden dental need, don’t panic. Your dental office is the place to turn for advice a dental emergency. (more…)

The ABCs Of Your TMJs

When you have no idea what a TMJ is, being diagnosed with TMJ disorder (TMD) can leave you feeling concerned and a bit in the dark. No worries! Whether you’ve already received a diagnosis or if you think this may apply to you because of consistent jaw discomfort, we can help demystify this functional disorder that may present itself in a variety of ways (and for which you may receive noninvasive, comfortable, effective care). Let’s get started with some helpful ABCs that will offer the essentials you need.


1,2,3 Important Facts: Sleep Apnea

If you’re someone who has been experiencing mounting fatigue and other strange symptoms and you’ve either been told it may be sleep apnea (or you’ve matched your experience up with the disorder on your own), you know something is off. However, you might not know if you’ve hit the nail on the head with your self-diagnosis, if you need a professional one (you most certainly do!), or how to proceed if it turns out this sleep disorder is affecting you. No worries! We’ve got your introductory details all ready for you, easy as 1,2,3.


My Tongue: Must I Brush It?

Ah, yes. The age old question: Must I brush my tongue as part of my dental hygiene? We know that for some, the sensation that comes with this aspect of smile care is often a little displeasing. We know that for others, the thought of brushing one’s tongue simply never seemed like a significant factor. Today, we help address the most important details that accompany this question. In short, the answer is yes, your tongue needs cleansing, too. For the extended version, get ready for specifics!


Cracked Teeth Quiz

Nobody likes finding out that they have a cracked tooth. Furthermore, cracked teeth can bring with them a slew of questions that can be hard to answer on your own. Fortunately, we are pleased to offer you a brief quiz that will help address some of the inquiries that have been floating around in your mind. As for additional particulars and any treatments you may require, make sure you schedule an appointment with us soon!


Dentistry From The Heart Event

Have you been unable to make dental care a part of your life lately? If you feel the urgency of keeping your oral health safe with professional care but affordability or other issues have gotten in the way of this need, we are happy to announce our participation in Dentistry From The Heart. It’s our chance to offer dental care to our fantastic community, so we can ensure everyone has a healthy smile.
