Dental Hygiene Questions You’re Too Shy To Ask

When you’re brushing your teeth, flossing your teeth, or even thinking about it, you may notice that your thoughts tends to leave you with a lot of questions. While you could certainly benefit from answers, particularly if they’re about how to perform optimal dental hygiene, that doesn’t mean you’re going to ask. Why not? Well, like many patients, you might feel a little too shy. First things first, we suggest you remember we are happy to answer anything! As for common questions we receive (which will show you that your inquiries aren’t embarrassing, after all), we’re happy to present them with answers.


Staining Quiz: Yellowing And Cosmetic Care!

If you’re seeing a yellowed smile in the mirror, one that simply seems to have lost its previous shine, or some other form of fading, you’re probably looking at stains. Unfortunately, over time, the foods you eat (and more) can take a toll on your smile, leaving it discolored. The good news? Cosmetic care will solve your problems! As for the little details that you may not feel super confident about at the moment, we will be happy to clear them up for you. Try out our quiz, then schedule a visit.


4 Ways Water Helps Your Teeth

There are lots of reasons to drink water, especially in the hot days of summer. Water is essential for the body’s systems to function, but did you know water is also very beneficial to your teeth? Teeth don’t absorb water like the organs of your body, but drinking plenty of water can help prevent cavities and keep your oral environment healthy. If you have any doubt about the health of water for your teeth, watch what we sip on during your checkup or cleaning appointment. (more…)

Dental Questions We Love To Hear

We love patients who visit with lots of questions. This lets us know you are taking charge of your dental health, and participating with us in making sure your smile lasts for many years. Some patients put pen to paper and list their questions beforehand. Your cell phone is also a handy tool for keeping track of a dental question or two. You can get great dental information at any checkup or cleaning, or make a call to our office between appointments, if a question comes to mind.  (more…)

Let Freedom Ring This July 4th

America: the land of the brave and home of the free. America is a massive melting pot of peoples, beliefs, and ideas. It’s the epicenter of freedom, democracy, and peace. Though it may seem shaky at times, America is an incredible place full of wonderful people; a shining beacon of progress that deserves to be cherished and celebrated. On Tuesday July 4th, gather your friends and family to celebrate our country at The Cleveland Football stadium for an annual fireworks display. (more…)

3 Reasons To Become A New Patient Today!

Do you know that it’s time to make a decision about your dental care? Maybe you’ve overdue on your preventive care. Maybe you’ve recently moved and you’re going to become a new patient a dental practice soon but you just can’t find the motivation to get started. First and foremost, we encourage you to set up a visit today because we have a feeling you’ll love our friendly team and our beautiful office! Then of course, getting established with us means you can take care of that stuff on your list of dental needs (and wants). Consider some reasons to call us!


Announcement: We Are Always Accepting New Patients!  

If you’ve been on the search for a dental practice, then you may have stumbled upon just the place you’ve been looking for! We know that becoming a new patient is something that you do after gathering up as many details as you can (and finding the most compassionate team out there that offers comprehensive dental care). As a result, we would like to invite you to become a patient at our practice (and would also love to share a bit more about what you can expect from our team).


Tooth Decay: Why It’s Not Worth Experiencing

You might think that a cavity is not really that big of a deal. When compared with other things that can eventually go wrong with your smile, we can’t necessarily argue with you. However, what we do need you to know is that tooth decay is not worth experiencing. It might start off small and be quite easy to treat but that doesn’t mean it cannot lead to serious consequences (it absolutely can). Find out more regarding why it’s important to do your best to prevent decay.


Back To School Spectacular 2017

What’s the first thing that comes to mind every year when you receive your kids’ supply list for back to school? If you’re like many parents, it’s something along the lines of, “Wow, that’s a lot of stuff!” Since a cart full of school supplies (often for more than one child) can pack a serious punch when it comes to the final receipt, you may find that instead of feeling excited about back-to-school shopping, you end up feeling stressed. Not to worry. The Back To School Spectacular 2017 is on its way!
