H20 And Your Smile: Things To Consider

Water is wonderful for your oral health! Right? Well, yes. When you’re drinking cool or room temperature water, then you’re doing something fantastic for your teeth and gums. With each sip, you help rinse bad particles away (such as plaque, germs, and food pieces) that can lead to issues like gingivitis, tooth decay, and more. However, if you think you know all there is to know about H20 and your grin, think again! Some is good, some is bad. Fortunately, it’s all very easy to understand and remember. Let’s get started.


Can I Brush My Teeth White Again?

Have you been staring at your toothbrush and formulating a plan to get your smile nice and white again? Have you decided that you’re just going to make the most of your brushing by changing out the products you use, choosing things that come with promises to brighten your dental tissue, or by brushing harder? We understand your desire for teeth whitening. However, we think you should know: Your brush won’t do it. Cosmetic care will. Find out more!


3 Holiday-Fueled Signs It’s Time For Veneers!

Here it comes! Barreling down your calendar and your shopping lists like a freight train, holiday time is steadily headed in our direction. This means so many things. It means you’ve got to kick your shopping and list making into high gear. It means cleaning, cooking, and … what that? Preparing for some serious socializing? Yep. You might be seeing that aunt you only see once a year and you may end up in conversations with co-workers you otherwise never talk with. The result? If you aren’t happy with your smile, you may be feeling nervous. Good news: Porcelain veneers can help!


Cosmetic Care: For Me? For Someone Else?

Who is cosmetic care for, anyway? You may shrug off your hopes for a smile that looks better because you naturally assume (for reasons you have come up with) that it’s not for you. It’s probably just for someone else. If you were to mention this to us, we can say in earnest that it’s not the first time we’ve heard it! It’s also not the first time we have had to say: Cosmetic dentistry is for anyone and everyone who needs assistance with acquiring a prettier grin. Find out what’s got you so uncertain (and why it’s time to come see us).


Invisalign Treatment: Don’t Make It Complicated

The good news is that your Invisalign treatment can be very simple and effective. Treatment is not difficult. You wear the trays for the amount of time that we suggest, you come in to see us when we recommend that you do, and then one day … your smile is straight! Sounds easy, right? Well. We know firsthand that if you aren’t careful, it can become unnecessarily complicated and fraught with difficulty. Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen to you!
