Fluoride: Facts You Should Know

We think there are some things you should know about fluoride because we hear an awful lot of misinformation coming from our patients! We hear so much, in fact, that we have come to realize you may be missing out on essential ingredients (such as this one) when you’re practicing your dental hygiene just because you need a quick refresh of factual information. Let’s get started! During your next visit, we’ll be happy to help a bit more.


Dental Insurance: The Time To Use It Is ASAP!

It’s time to put your dental coverage to work! As in … right now. Why are we suddenly so frantic to ensure you’re getting all that you can out of your dental insurance at the current moment? After all, there’s a lot going on, there are gifts to be purchased, trees to be decorated, parties to attend, and more! Well, because 2018 is almost here. The second you hang up your new calendar, for most patients, is the moment all of the benefits from 2017 are no longer usable!


Quiz Time: Mouthwash

Gone are the days when mouthwash came in just a couple of minty flavors, and occupied one or two spots on the drug store shelf. You can now choose from a wide vareity of mouthwashes (and mouth rinse products) with flavors from ultramint to fruit. They might have fluoride, whitening agents and antiseptics added. Over-the-counter mouthwashes, when used properly, can be a healthy addition to your family’s preventive oral care program. Make sure any mouthwash you use has the American Dental Association seal, for maximum safety and good results. (more…)

Dental Hygiene: 3 Places You Might Not Be Cleaning

You might be brushing. You might be flossing, too. However, you might not be cleaning all of the areas of your smile that require attention if you want to keep your smile safe. So, what to do now that you already think you’re covering your bases in an effort to maintain your oral health? Well, take our dental hygiene highlights very seriously, of course, and implement any changes necessary. Easy enough!


Cavity Formation: 2 Things You Might Not Realize

When you’re thinking about the way tooth decay forms in your smile, you might think you’ve got it all down pat. As long as you don’t eat too much candy, you might think to yourself, or over-indulge in sugary sodas, you’ll be just fine! … Right? Not exactly. While sugar does encourage the development of cavities, it doesn’t directly cause it. Here’s what you need to know: Bacteria in plaque (which rests on your teeth) eat sugar particles. They eat carbs, too. As they digest these particles, they put out acids, which soften your enamel. As this goes on, over time, decay begins and you end up with a cavity. Now, for some things you may be getting a bit wrong.


Toothpaste: Questions That Embarrass You A Bit!

We have learned over the years that even very simple questions that we’ve never considered embarrassing can turn even the boldest of our patients into a shy wallflower! If you have a question about dental hygiene products like toothpaste, please remember that we will be happy to answer them. Furthermore, the more you know, the better equipped you are to care for your grin! (more…)

Holiday Special: End The Year With A (Healthy) Smile!

Yep, you’re hearing an awful lot about the holidays from us. It’s because we know what it’s like to try to keep your usual daily life schedule going, while you’ve got an additional three-mile-long list of other things to do that feel equally important. Of course, as your list of people you need to buy presents for seems to grow, you may also feel like you need to put dental care on the back burner due to budget. Good news: We are offering a holiday special, including a free exam and free X-ray! Call us to schedule your visit.


Get Your Smile Holiday Ready

If you haven’t heard the jingling of the bells in your local grocery store or at the mall just yet, rest assured: You’ll be hearing them soon enough! Of course, this is a sign of many things. First, that we are all in for some very cozy moments ahead. Next, that you probably have a lot of planning to do. Of course, last but not least: The holidays will come and go and it will be the start of a brand new year. Is your smile ready? Let’s talk about smile care, so we know you’re in good shape.
