Look Your Best With A Whiter Smile

Look Your Best Whiter SmileHave you started to hide your smile when you pose for photos? Or is your hand perpetually over your teeth when you chew or speak? If so, then it is time to talk to your dentist about making a change to look your best. Enamel staining can really hold you back, and even with the advent of some pretty powerful over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions, you want to speak with your dentist before you try anything on your own.

With our team of cosmetic dental professionals at Cleveland Family Dentistry, you have the opportunity to send your stains back. Our office gives our patients a choice in their care, between a simple and convenient at-home teeth whitening process and a quick and easy visit to the dentist for in-office care. When you find yourself hiding your smile away from the world, talk to a trusted dental provider about ways to improve your appearance with safe and effective cosmetic teeth whitening. To schedule a time to talk about your teeth, call us today!


A Better Wake Up With Bruxism Treatment

bruxismYour sleep makes a big difference in your ability to make it through the day. So, when things are not quite right, it can lead to some real problems in your life. This means that when you are finding yourself waking up with a sore jaw or persistent morning headaches, you need to talk to your dentist about making a change. If it is bruxism that is causing your problems, then take the time to talk to your provider about ways to address your problem teeth grinding.

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, we understand the value of having a deep and full night of sleep. That’s why we offer our patients comfortable oral appliance therapy for their bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth throughout the night, then stop suffering in silence and ask your dentist about whether oral appliance therapy is right for you. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, call us today!


What Is Causing My Bad Breath?

Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about halitosis solutions

Having bad smelling breath can be embarrassing and may make you feel anxious in social situations. This problems may be caused by several reasons, from poor oral hygiene habits, certain foods you eat, periodontal disease, and more. While it’s fairly normal to experience halitosis from time to time, if this is a daily occurrence, it’s time to seek professional advice. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentist is here to discuss what could be causing this issue.


My Kid Doesn’t Like The Dentist! What Can I Do?

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers checkups for kids

A dental checkup may not be a favorite activity for your young children. These visits can be intimidating at first, and past negative experiences may make it even more difficult. The team at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, is here to help your child feel comfortable during their biannual cleaning and examination so we can help keep their smiles healthy. In today’s blog, we’re here to discuss some ways to make checkups more fun for your kiddos.


What Would Happen If You Never Went To The Dentist?

Cleveland, tx, dentist offers checkups and cleanings for patients

By now you likely already know that you should see your dentist at least twice a year for a checkup. This biannual appointment includes a cleaning and examination to remove plaque and ensure your oral health is in good shape. Although these checkups are an essential part of maintaining your smile and overall wellbeing, an estimated thirty percent of Americans do not visit the dentist regularly. Your Cleveland, TX, dentist is here today to explain what would happen if you skip your dental checkups.


How Dental Implants Compare To Other Tooth-Replacement Options

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers dental implants

If you are currently experiencing tooth loss, you may be overwhelmed with finding the right way to restore your smile. It can be difficult to know which method can help address your needs and give you long term support. Options like a dental bridge could help replace a few teeth in a row, while dentures can replace several teeth throughout your smile. There is also the option of dental implants, which can recreate the entire missing dental structure including the root. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist is here to explain how these options compare to each other so you can find the best solution for your needs.


Worried About Getting Dentures? Here’s What You Need To Know

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers dentures and implant-retained dentures

In our last blog, we talked about the benefits of a dental bridge. This could help fill a gap in your smile after losing a few teeth in the same row. Unfortunately, though, this may not be a viable option for all patients. If you are experiencing more serious forms of tooth loss, or cannot support a bridge, you may need dentures instead. Your Cleveland, TX, dentist is here today to talk about how this prosthetic option could help you.


How A Bridge Can Complete Your Smile After Tooth Loss

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers bridges and dentures

Having gaps in your smile can cause feelings of self-consciousness and can have a negative impact on the function of your other teeth. Whether you have lost your teeth due to an accident or health complications, we can help replace your pearly whites and renew your smile. In today’s blog, your Cleveland, TX, dentist is here to explain how a dental bridge could help.


A Tooth Extraction Could Save Your Smile

Cleveland, TX, dentist offers tooth extractions

Recently, we have discussed restorative treatments like dental fillings, root canals, and crowns. These options can help repair your tooth after decay or significant damage. In most cases, your dentist will do their best to repair your pearly white and renew it’s strength. Unfortunately, though, there are times when this is not possible, and it may be better to remove the dental structure. Your Cleveland, TX, dentist is here today to discuss when this may be the best option.
