What Is Causing My Bad Breath?

Cleveland, TX, dentist talks about halitosis solutions

Having bad smelling breath can be embarrassing and may make you feel anxious in social situations. This problems may be caused by several reasons, from poor oral hygiene habits, certain foods you eat, periodontal disease, and more. While it’s fairly normal to experience halitosis from time to time, if this is a daily occurrence, it’s time to seek professional advice. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentist is here to discuss what could be causing this issue.

Tooth Decay Could Cause A Bad Odor

Cavities are a very common oral health issue, and they can also be a contributing factor to foul odors. When a cavity forms, the decay erodes your enamel and forms a hole on your tooth. The harmful bacteria that creates cavities can cause a lingering odor. Consistent checkups and a proper oral hygiene routine can help prevent decay and protect your smile. If you do form a cavity, dental fillings can be done to restore your tooth before worsening symptoms can occur.

Chronic Halitosis Could Be A Sign Of Gum Disease

Morning breath is a type of halitosis that occurs when you wake up. Overnight, bacteria can accumulate in your mouth and can cause a poor odor in the morning. An effective oral hygiene routine and staying hydrated throughout the day can help minimize this problem. However, if you notice that you have chronic halitosis that does not go away after brushing and flossing, you may have a more serious problem that needs to be looked at by a professional. When you come in for your checkup, your dentist can thoroughly examine your smile and determine what the root cause may be.

Frequent halitosis may be a sign of periodontal disease, which is an infection that occurs around your gums. If left untreated, this can lead to your gums receding and can result in tooth loss in more serious cases. Your dentist may be able to help diagnose this infection by examining your smile and looking for signs like red, swollen, or sensitive gums. Deep cleanings can help remove plaque buildup and help you manage the disease.

Your Diet And Habits May Be A Contributing Factor

If you have good oral hygiene but have a diet that consists of strong-smelling foods, you may have lingering bad breath throughout the day. Foods like garlic and onion, or sweets that are high in sugar, may cause a lingering odor. To help with this problem, make sure to brush and floss between meals to remove food particles and bacteria. If you frequently smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, your breath may not feel or smell fresh. The ingredients within tobacco as well as the smoke produced from your cigarettes can contribute to this issue.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team!

If you have questions about your oral health, or would like to schedule an appointment with us, call Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234.