Start Your Smile Makeover With Veneers


Cleveland, TX, dentist offers porcelain veneers

Options like Invisalign or a professional whitening service can help improve the appearance of your pearly whites. However, if you have multiple concerns throughout your smile, you may want a solution that can correct them at the same time. Your Cleveland, TX, family dentist offers lifelike porcelain veneers that can improve your look. Today, we’ll talk about the benefits that this cosmetic enhancement offers.

Porcelain Veneers Are A Unique Treatment

Our team offers several cosmetic options to help patients reach the smile of their dreams. Invisalign can help improve the symmetry of your grin by correcting crooked, overlapping, or crowded teeth. For many patients, a significant concern is stained teeth. A professional whitening treatment can be done to lift stains and improve this concern. These options can be helpful for a wide variety of patients. However, if you want an option that boosts your look and will last for several years, porcelain veneers may be a preferred option. The veneers are made of thin, porcelain shells that cover the front of your natural pearly whites. They are made to look natural while giving your smile a boost. It can correct issues ranging from discoloration to uneven smiles.

Long-Lasting And Natural-Looking Results

Before getting started with your treatment, you will need a consultation with your dentist. They will examine your oral cavity and check for signs of cavities, gum disease, or other problems. Then, you can discuss what your appearance goals are. Veneers are most suitable for patients who have good oral health but several cosmetic concerns. For instance, if you have blemishes that cannot be lifted with a whitening service and have minor chips on your teeth, this may be a good option for you.

The porcelain shells will be crafted to fit your natural teeth snuggly. A small amount of your enamel may need to be removed before adding the shells. The shells are thin and are created to look similar to your natural look, with a few improvements. This leaves you with a vibrant and more uniform appearance.

Taking Care Of Your New Look

It’s important that you take proper care of your smile after this enhancement. If you develop a cavity underneath a porcelain piece, it could come off and need to be replaced. Before having your procedure done, your dentist will check for signs of decay that need to be treated. After receiving your veneers, remember to continue brushing and flossing daily and coming in for biannual checkups. Your natural pearly whites below the cosmetic shells should continue to be cared for.

Schedule An Appointment Today

Call Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234 to learn more about this cosmetic enhancement or our other treatment options.