What To Know Before Starting Invisalign


Cleveland, TX, dentist offers Invisalign

Crooked or uneven teeth can affect your confidence and your oral health. The team at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, offers Invisalign which can straighten your teeth discreetly. This may be a preferred option for teenage or adult patients looking for orthodontic care. In today’s blog, we are here to explain how this method works and what to expect from this treatment option.

Straightening Your Smile Has Many Benefits

One of the primary reasons patients may be interested in correcting crooked or uneven teeth is the effect this has on their appearance. Your smile is one of the first features others notice when they meet you, so this can have an impact on the impression you make on others. Invisalign clear trays can help correct these imperfections without the need for metal braces that can disrupt your appearance. In addition to these visual concerns, this method can also help improve your oral hygiene. When your teeth are overcrowded, it can make it difficult to thoroughly brush them and floss between them. As a result, you may experience more frequent cavities or an increased risk of gum disease. Straightening them can help improve your oral hygiene and keep your smile healthy long term.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Invisalign

This discreet treatment can help address many of the same problems that braces can. In general, teenage, or adult patients with moderate misalignment concerns are likely good candidates for this method. Before getting started, your dentist will examine your oral cavity and estimate how long the treatment will take. Then, measurements will be taken to create your custom trays. A series of these will be created to gradually shift your teeth into the correct position. Your dentist will instruct you on how and when to wear these and how to take care of them. You will move to a new set of trays every few weeks when instructed by your dental team.

During And After The Process

As mentioned above, a series of trays will be created for this process. You will need to wear your Invisalign trays every day for the majority of the day. One reason this method is reserved for older patients is that you must be responsible enough to correctly wear your trays. The treatment time for this process will vary for each individual, but on average it may take around one to two years. This is about the same length of time that traditional braces would take. Once your treatment is completed, you can show off your improved grin with straightened teeth. You may need to wear retainers to ensure that your smile does not shift.

Talk To Our Team To Get Started

Invisalign can help correct your smile’s appearance without the need for metal brackets and wires. Schedule a consultation with Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at (281) 592-1234.