A Better Wake Up With Bruxism Treatment

bruxismYour sleep makes a big difference in your ability to make it through the day. So, when things are not quite right, it can lead to some real problems in your life. This means that when you are finding yourself waking up with a sore jaw or persistent morning headaches, you need to talk to your dentist about making a change. If it is bruxism that is causing your problems, then take the time to talk to your provider about ways to address your problem teeth grinding.

At Cleveland Family Dentistry, we understand the value of having a deep and full night of sleep. That’s why we offer our patients comfortable oral appliance therapy for their bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth throughout the night, then stop suffering in silence and ask your dentist about whether oral appliance therapy is right for you. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, call us today!

What Is Bruxism? And Why Should I Care?

Bruxism is the term for a common sleep disorder that happens when you grind your teeth. While this might seem like a minor inconvenience, it can actually become a significant problem for your smile. This action can wear down the tops of your teeth, leaving you with shortened incisors and flattened molars. This can even happen to a point where you expose the interior of your tooth, leaving you at risk of developing an infection. So, bruxism can be a big deal, and it is important to address it quickly.

I Grind My Teeth. What Can Be Done About It?

If you grind your teeth overnight, then you need to talk to your dentist about ways to keep yourself safe. At our office, we offer oral appliance therapy, which uses a slim, BPA-free device to prevent the teeth from contact overnight. This can often be enough to stop the symptoms of bruxism, so what are you waiting for? Talk to your dentist about whether oral appliance therapy is right for you.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder And Dysfunction Can Also Happen

When you grind your teeth, it can affect more than just your enamel, as well. You can shift the location of your teeth along your oral ridge, leaving you with an unattractive smile. You can also mess with the joint that connects your jaw to your head. This is called temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction, and it can really hold you back.

Stop Your Bruxism With Cleveland Family Dentistry

If you are struggling with teeth grinding, then talk to our team about how to stop it. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for bruxism, call Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX, today at 281-592-1234