Is It Time For A Dental Checkup?

dental checkup cleveland txYou spend time each day to make sure that you are doing what it takes to keep your smile safe. This includes your twice-daily brushing, getting into all the hard-to-reach areas, and flossing every day to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease. But even with all of that effort, you cannot do it all by yourself, and you need to see your provider from time to time for a full cleaning and an examination of your smile, and taking the time for a dental checkup can be a huge help in avoiding deterioration.

If it has been a while since your last dental appointment, give us a call at Cleveland Family Dentistry in Cleveland, TX and schedule your next visit. Our team is dedicated to helping you keep your smile at a high level, and that starts with consistent prevention in the office through routine cleanings and exams, and we are here for you when you need us. When you are ready to renew your focus on your oral health, speak with our office about your next dental checkup!

Your Smile Takes Consistent Maintenance With The Help Of A Dentist

Even with your diligent brushing and flossing, you need the help of a trained and experienced dental provider to avoid certain problem oral health concerns. For example, there may be areas where your regular brushing is not enough to prevent the buildup of plaque, and when this stays on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, it calcifies into a harder material. At this point, it is called tartar, and you need the help of a trusted dentist or dental hygienist to safely remove it.

Generally, people need to see the dentist at least twice each year, but some people can benefit from an accelerated schedule of care. Talk to your oral health team about your schedule, and then be sure to stick to it. Consistent dental checkups can help you to keep your smile safe.

Feel Better With A Cleaner And Fresher Smile

During your visit, you will have the chance to speak with your dentist about all of the oral health questions that you have, alongside advanced imagery designed to identify problems as quickly as possible. You can also experience a fresher smile with a full cleaning of the surface of your teeth and your gumline with one of our gentle and caring hygienists. For a safer, cleaner smile, our team is here to help.

Take Some Time For A Dental Checkup With Cleveland Family Dentistry

If it’s time for your next checkup, talk to our team about your visit. To find out more or to schedule a dental checkup, give us a call at Cleveland Family Dentistry at (281) 592-1234 today!